DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The XVI Federal Conference "Telecom: Satellite Russia. Reloaded" organised by Comnews Information Group was held in Moscow. The event was supported by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of industry unions and associations.
Tags: active phased array direct-to-device technology gonets-m1 satellite system marathon iot system non-geostationary orbits satellite broadcasting satellite communications satellite russia severnaya korona idc sphere federal project активная фазированная решетка икц "северная корона" негеостационарные орбиты система "марафон iot" спутниковая связь спутниковая система "гонец-м1" спутниковое вещание технология direct-to-device федеральный проект "сфера"
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The XVI Federal Conference "Telecom: Satellite Russia. Reloaded" organised by Comnews Information Group was held in Moscow. The event was supported by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of industry unions and associations.
Tags: active phased array direct-to-device technology gonets-m1 satellite system marathon iot system non-geostationary orbits satellite broadcasting satellite communications satellite russia severnaya korona idc sphere federal project активная фазированная решетка икц "северная корона" негеостационарные орбиты система "марафон iot" спутниковая связь спутниковая система "гонец-м1" спутниковое вещание технология direct-to-device федеральный проект "сфера"
Subscribe to the journal Last Mile to read the full article.
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