Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
L.Nabokih, S.Popov
Barcelona as capital of IoT The 11th Mobile World Congress, the largest event in the world of telecommunications, took place from 22 to 25 February 2016 in the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain
Barcelona as capital of IoT The 11th Mobile World Congress, the largest event in the world of telecommunications, took place from 22 to 25 February 2016 in the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain
Конференции, выставки, семинары
L.Pavlova, S.Popov
CSTB’2016 as main event of pay TV market Trends of Russian market of pay TV have become the main theme of the CSTB. Telecom & Media’ 2016 forum, which took place in Krasnogorsk, near Moscow, in late January. CSTB for three days brought together professionals in the fields of television and telecommunications in the Crocus Expo exhibition centre.
CSTB’2016 as main event of pay TV market Trends of Russian market of pay TV have become the main theme of the CSTB. Telecom & Media’ 2016 forum, which took place in Krasnogorsk, near Moscow, in late January. CSTB for three days brought together professionals in the fields of television and telecommunications in the Crocus Expo exhibition centre.
Measurement and Synchronization
I.Vlasov, M.Ptichnikov, N.Storozhuk
New generation of equipment for technical diagnostics of networks with packet transmission The transition to packet-based technologies of data transmission required the development of new approaches to measurement and, consequently, the production of new generation of control instrumentation
New generation of equipment for technical diagnostics of networks with packet transmission The transition to packet-based technologies of data transmission required the development of new approaches to measurement and, consequently, the production of new generation of control instrumentation
Tags: control instrumentation packet transmission контрольно-измерительная аппаратура пакетная передача информации
Telecommunication Business
20th anniversary of International Telecommunications Academy For over 20 years ITA serves its main goal of development of creative relations and business cooperation in the field of communications, of integration of the Russian and international scientific and creative potential for innovative development of the basic infrastructure of a postindustrial, information society in Russia and in the world.
20th anniversary of International Telecommunications Academy For over 20 years ITA serves its main goal of development of creative relations and business cooperation in the field of communications, of integration of the Russian and international scientific and creative potential for innovative development of the basic infrastructure of a postindustrial, information society in Russia and in the world.
Tags: international cooperation international telecommunications academy international telecommunication union международная академия связи международное сотрудничество международный союз электросвязи
Under southern cross, ICT in Brazil The world economy is entering a difficult era of the formation of "a new model of normality". Its priorities include the digital industry. The team of league of сhampions-reformers gradually takes new players, countries with innovative economies. In Latin America, despite the crisis, Brazil remains the undisputed leader.
Under southern cross, ICT in Brazil The world economy is entering a difficult era of the formation of "a new model of normality". Its priorities include the digital industry. The team of league of сhampions-reformers gradually takes new players, countries with innovative economies. In Latin America, despite the crisis, Brazil remains the undisputed leader.
Tags: brazilian economy communications in latin america связь в латинской америке экономика бразилии
Wired Communication
A.Leonov, M.Sleptsov, V.Treschikov
Development of high-speed DWDM systems across multiple subcarriers Telecommunications equipment manufacturers use various ways to increase spectral efficiency and channel speed in communication systems. The article discusses trends and prospects for the use of different approaches. Special attention is paid to the capability of the equipment of domestic production and to its role in the development of communication systems.
Development of high-speed DWDM systems across multiple subcarriers Telecommunications equipment manufacturers use various ways to increase spectral efficiency and channel speed in communication systems. The article discusses trends and prospects for the use of different approaches. Special attention is paid to the capability of the equipment of domestic production and to its role in the development of communication systems.
PON, secret of effective investment Savings on the PON (passive optical network) equipment at installation can subsequently minimize the business benefits of these access networks. Today it can be argued that the PON ecosystem is mature and has its advantages, allowing network operators to provide high-speed access to the network at a significant savings due to the reduced number of optical fibers
and a simplified infrastructure management.
PON, secret of effective investment Savings on the PON (passive optical network) equipment at installation can subsequently minimize the business benefits of these access networks. Today it can be argued that the PON ecosystem is mature and has its advantages, allowing network operators to provide high-speed access to the network at a significant savings due to the reduced number of optical fibers
and a simplified infrastructure management.
Tags: access network ftth passive optical network (pon) пассивные оптические сети (pon) сети доступа
CIS Crystal Gears, a software call recording system Israeli company CIS has developed call recording system of the new generation, localized version of which recently went on sale in the Russian market.
CIS Crystal Gears, a software call recording system Israeli company CIS has developed call recording system of the new generation, localized version of which recently went on sale in the Russian market.
About credibility of security services that ensure validity of electronic documents. Part 2 To build a space of trust for electronic documents that are certified by a qualified electronic signature, and claim the right to have legal force, much remains to be done, starting with improving the legislation.
About credibility of security services that ensure validity of electronic documents. Part 2 To build a space of trust for electronic documents that are certified by a qualified electronic signature, and claim the right to have legal force, much remains to be done, starting with improving the legislation.
Chapters of History
Telephone networks in zemstvo (from the history of telephony in Russia). Part 2 At the beginning of the 20th century, telephone networks in zemstvo first shifted from rapid development to destruction, and then to the restoration as the basis of rural telephony
Telephone networks in zemstvo (from the history of telephony in Russia). Part 2 At the beginning of the 20th century, telephone networks in zemstvo first shifted from rapid development to destruction, and then to the restoration as the basis of rural telephony