APPLICATION OF AUTOCOMPENSATORS INTERFERENCE IN THE TASKS OF PROVIDING EMC AIRCRAFT ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT The article is devoted to solving the problem of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of on-board radio-electronic equipment of aircraft. The paper proposes a method for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of various electronic devices using the example of solving the EMC problem of analogue voice radio stations and data transmission lines of the VDL mode 4 mode.
STATION, MANUFACTORY, CENTER: SPACE COMMUNICATIONS IN THE BEAR LAKES In June of this year, the branch of the Russian Satellite Communications Company, the Satellite Communication Center (SCC) Bear Lakes turned 25 years old. The history of the Center dates back to 1967, when the first satellite transceiver complex of the Orbit system was built on the territory of the experimental training ground of the Special design bureau of the Moscow Energy Institute in the Medvezh’i Ozera of the Moscow Region, which was originally called the Space communication station, then the Space workshop "Orbit-1" communications. Today, the SCC Bear Lakes is one of the largest teleports in Russia. We scroll through the pages of its history.
VSAT MARKET ANSWERS COVID-19 CALLS As part of the Business Dialog. Satellite Internet: VSAT vs COVID-19 webinar, VSAT equipment manufacturers and operators shared their experience in a pandemic and self-isolation environment, and discussed new trends in the satellite broadband market in Russia and the world. The event was organized by RSCC in partnership with the Internet portal about satellite Internet in Russia KA-BAND.INFO.
SCENARIOS OF PREDICTION OPTICAL FIBER LIFETIME IN CABLE LINES In this work we considered possible scenarios for predicting the life of an fiber optic cable on a commissioned communication line using the model recommended in regulatory documents that describes the relationship between the life and the probability of damage to the optical fiber in the cable.
REMOTE INTERCEPT IN FIBER OPTIC NETWORKS The qualitative analysis of nonlinear optical processes with an information signal in optical fibers (ISOF) carried out in the article shows the possibility of generating informative spurious electromagnetic radiation that can be used for remote - without destroying the protective covers of the optical cable - traffic interception in fiber optic communication lines (FOCL). The interception efficiency is determined by the design of the receiving antenna, the proximity of the antenna to the optical fiber, and external exposure to the optical fiber to increase its non-linear susceptibility. The revealed features of interception technology made it possible to formulate requirements for technical means of traffic protection in fiber optic links, such as the use of a noise signal, etc.
DIGITAL ECONOMY - WORLD TRENDS AND DOMESTIC REALITIES Unprecedented in complexity and cost, the tasks of digital transformation of national economies and the formation of a global digital infrastructure that ensures their interaction are based on compatible innovative technologies and infrastructure solutions, require consideration of best practices and cannot be solved by individual countries of the world. It is no coincidence that the digital transformation policy is determined at the level of world leaders and is implemented in concert.
ACCESSIBILITY OF ACCESS NETWORKS AND ASSESSMENT OF TRAFFIC GENERATED They discuss the trend of continued growth in throughput in the process of upgrading access networks and the task of assessing the traffic created by users. The correlation between the amount of generated traffic and the necessary bandwidth of the elements of a telecommunication system, which provides specified indicators of the quality of service delivery, was well studied in the era of the dominance of telegraphy and telephony. As data and video were included in the load of telecommunication networks supporting interactive services, a number of new tasks arose that required a revision of a number of provisions of the theory of teletraffic. The article analyzes the evolution trends of access networks from the point of view of increasing its throughput and provides the results of studies aimed at evaluating the parameters of packet traffic.
BASIC DESIGNS OF COMMUNICATION LINE INSULATORS IN THE 19TH CENTURY. PART 1 With the development of telecommunications in the 19th century, overhead lines, designed to transmit electrical signals through wires suspended on special supports and became widespread. To strengthen the wires on the supports, various types of insulators and fittings were used, on the reliability of which the reliability of the communication line as a whole depended to a large extent. The first part of the article provides brief information about the design conditions of overhead lines insulators and the materials used to manufacture them and provides an overview of the early designs of telegraph insulators and fittings of the 19th century.