Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
S.Margaryan, V.Osmov, V.Mostyko
VHF wireless data network for critical systems. Part 1 Features of design and functional capability of the narrow-band VHF wireless data network of high reliability and survivability for critical systems are described. A brief comparison with wired networks of similar purpose is presented.
VHF wireless data network for critical systems. Part 1 Features of design and functional capability of the narrow-band VHF wireless data network of high reliability and survivability for critical systems are described. A brief comparison with wired networks of similar purpose is presented.
Tags: high-reliability radio networks vhf radio network wireless data network радиосети повышенной надежности радиосети укв-диапазона технологические радиосети передачи данных
Wi-Fi: trends and projects Today it is difficult to find a device without Wi-Fi interface, and in the near future Wi-Fi networks will take the brunt of Internet traffic. In this context, what are the objectives of vendors and operators?
Wi-Fi: trends and projects Today it is difficult to find a device without Wi-Fi interface, and in the near future Wi-Fi networks will take the brunt of Internet traffic. In this context, what are the objectives of vendors and operators?
Tags: regulation of the use of wi-fi wi-fi networks wi-fi projects проекты внедрения wi-fi регулирование использования wi-fi сети wi-fi
Network Infrastructure
NFV: status and prospects The traditional methods of development of telecommunication networks can cope with explosive traffic growth only due to the high investments in increasing their capacity. A new approaches to development of operators’ business are required.
NFV: status and prospects The traditional methods of development of telecommunication networks can cope with explosive traffic growth only due to the high investments in increasing their capacity. A new approaches to development of operators’ business are required.
Tags: ecomp architecture etsi nfv standard standardization of sdn/nfv архитектура ecomp стандарт etsi nfv стандартизация sdn/nfv
Six reasons why the network is not ready for SDN Without thoughtful plan of implementation of all the benefits of SDN technology, it will be nothing more than a heaped network switch.
Six reasons why the network is not ready for SDN Without thoughtful plan of implementation of all the benefits of SDN technology, it will be nothing more than a heaped network switch.
Tags: nfv nvf problems of implementing sdn sdn sdn in data centers внедрение sdn в цодах проблемы внедрения sdn
Accuracy assessment of results of simulation of queueing systems The objective of this article is to assess the accuracy of the results of modeling of various queueing systems, obtained by using AnyLogic software.
Accuracy assessment of results of simulation of queueing systems The objective of this article is to assess the accuracy of the results of modeling of various queueing systems, obtained by using AnyLogic software.
Tags: anylogic software quantile queuing system simulation modeling имитационное моделирование квантиль пакет имитационного моделирования anylogic система массового обслуживания
Customer Equipment
Yealink T5 family of android sip phones IP.matika presents on the Russian market a fundamentally new family of SIP phones, Yealink T5.
Yealink T5 family of android sip phones IP.matika presents on the Russian market a fundamentally new family of SIP phones, Yealink T5.
Tags: ip telephony ip-телефония sip phones with android os sip-телефоны yealink sip-телефоны с ос android yealink sip phones
Cables and passive equipment
Optical fiber for fiber optic transmission system with ultra-low attenuation coefficient and increased effective area The main characteristics and prospects of application of single mode optical fibers with extra low attenuation and increased effective area for use in terrestrial transmission systems with speeds of 100–400 Gbit/s are considered.
Optical fiber for fiber optic transmission system with ultra-low attenuation coefficient and increased effective area The main characteristics and prospects of application of single mode optical fibers with extra low attenuation and increased effective area for use in terrestrial transmission systems with speeds of 100–400 Gbit/s are considered.
Tags: fiber optic transmission system optical cables with extra low attenuation optical fiber with an enlarged effective area волоконно-оптические системы передачи оптические кабели со сверхнизким затуханием оптические кабели с увеличенной эффективной площадью
Telecommunication Business
Swedish way: into digital paradise on wings of intelligence Sweden began to rapidly build the "Information society for all", expanding the national format of the development of a model of "state of social justice".
Swedish way: into digital paradise on wings of intelligence Sweden began to rapidly build the "Information society for all", expanding the national format of the development of a model of "state of social justice".
Tags: information society kista science city swedish economy информационное общество кластер kista science city экономика швеции
Wired Communication
A.Kuznetsov, P.Zhuang
Promising solutions for pon networks from C-Data technology Shenzhen C-Data Technology specializes in the development and manufacturing of equipment for broadband access based on fiber-optic, optical-coaxial and wireless technologies.
Promising solutions for pon networks from C-Data technology Shenzhen C-Data Technology specializes in the development and manufacturing of equipment for broadband access based on fiber-optic, optical-coaxial and wireless technologies.
Tags: broadband access equipment oem manufacturing oem-производство pon equipment оборудование pon оборудование шпд
Cables & Passive Equipment
Telecom operators in search of "gold mine" To make money on IoT, Telecom operators must be ready to transform their traditional business, to move away from the paradigm of "telematic SIM cards".
Telecom operators in search of "gold mine" To make money on IoT, Telecom operators must be ready to transform their traditional business, to move away from the paradigm of "telematic SIM cards".
Tags: business of telecom operators internet of things m2m бизнес операторов связи интернет вещей м2м
Fiber Optic components from Russia for Russia
Component Ltd. for more than 15 years specializes in the development, manufacturing and supply of active and passive components for fiber networks. Production of the company is supplied to the largest telecom operators.
Tags: fiber optic components gpon/gepon network equipment optical cable assemblies optical couplers компоненты волс оптические кабельные сборки оптические муфты сетевое оборудование gpon/gepon
International standardization and information security As history shows, they are two sides of the same coin in telecommunications.
International standardization and information security As history shows, they are two sides of the same coin in telecommunications.
Tags: hacking history of communication information security international standardization of information security phreaking история связи международная стандартизация информационной безопасности нформационная безопасность фрикинг хакерство
Chapters of History
Communication and science. Part 1 Communication became optical again in about 150 years after the death of the optical telegraph.
Communication and science. Part 1 Communication became optical again in about 150 years after the death of the optical telegraph.