Executive Opinion
Wireless Communications
S.Dushin, S.Shavrin
FEATURES OF ADAPTIVE ECHO CANCELLATION ALGORITHMS FUNCTIONING IN C-I-C TECHNOLOGY The analysis of the operating conditions of the echo cancellation mechanisms in the Carrier-in-Carrier (C-I-C) technology was performed. The main factors that have a negative impact on the process of adaptive tuning of the echo canceller are considered. The results of the analysis of
the basic echo cancellation algorithms properties in the C-I-C system are presented. The solutions to ensure the necessary stability and degree of interfering signals suppression are presented.
FEATURES OF ADAPTIVE ECHO CANCELLATION ALGORITHMS FUNCTIONING IN C-I-C TECHNOLOGY The analysis of the operating conditions of the echo cancellation mechanisms in the Carrier-in-Carrier (C-I-C) technology was performed. The main factors that have a negative impact on the process of adaptive tuning of the echo canceller are considered. The results of the analysis of
the basic echo cancellation algorithms properties in the C-I-C system are presented. The solutions to ensure the necessary stability and degree of interfering signals suppression are presented.
Tags: broadcasting carrier-in-carrier technology duplex transmission of information on a single carrier frequency echo cancellation radio communications дуплексный режим передачи информации на одной несущей частоте радиовещание радиосвязь технология carrier-in-carrier эхокомпенсация
Satellite Telecommunication
EARTH-SPA CE-EARTH IN SHCHELKOVO , MOSCOW REGION This is the youngest of the largest and the largest of the youngest space communications centers in Russia named as Telecommunications Center in Schelkovo by its owner "Gazprom Space Systems" JSC. On the eve of the center’s seventh anniversary, the correspondent of LAST MILE journal was given the opportunity to inspect its territory, visit the administrative and technical buildings and receive comments from the GSS top manager and the center’s staff.
EARTH-SPA CE-EARTH IN SHCHELKOVO , MOSCOW REGION This is the youngest of the largest and the largest of the youngest space communications centers in Russia named as Telecommunications Center in Schelkovo by its owner "Gazprom Space Systems" JSC. On the eve of the center’s seventh anniversary, the correspondent of LAST MILE journal was given the opportunity to inspect its territory, visit the administrative and technical buildings and receive comments from the GSS top manager and the center’s staff.
Tags: ka-band ku-band ku-диапазон satellite communications space communication centre ка-диапазон спутниковая связь центр космической связи
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Measurement and Synchronization
FIRST 5G FIELD SPECTRUM ANALYZER FieldFox B-Series is the first field spectrum analyzer to support the 100 MHz band real-time demodulation and spectrum analysis.
FIRST 5G FIELD SPECTRUM ANALYZER FieldFox B-Series is the first field spectrum analyzer to support the 100 MHz band real-time demodulation and spectrum analysis.
Telecommunication Business
SMARTS LAUNCHES SMART TECHNOLOG IES FOR ROADS SMARTS Group of Companies, which has been operating in the market since May
1991 and known until 2015 as a mobile communications operator in 16 constituent
entities of the Russian Federation, has focused in the past few years on three
interconnected innovative projects: the creation of road telecommunication networks,
the construction of geographically distributed data centers, the development and
production of quantum key distribution devices to protect communication lines of
the constructed infrastructure. Nowadays, the "road" project in the Samara region
is nearing completion: more than 1000 km of linear-cable structures have been built.
Thus, the Samara region, having a huge automotive cluster, will now receive the most
powerful and reliable fiber optic network.
SMARTS LAUNCHES SMART TECHNOLOG IES FOR ROADS SMARTS Group of Companies, which has been operating in the market since May
1991 and known until 2015 as a mobile communications operator in 16 constituent
entities of the Russian Federation, has focused in the past few years on three
interconnected innovative projects: the creation of road telecommunication networks,
the construction of geographically distributed data centers, the development and
production of quantum key distribution devices to protect communication lines of
the constructed infrastructure. Nowadays, the "road" project in the Samara region
is nearing completion: more than 1000 km of linear-cable structures have been built.
Thus, the Samara region, having a huge automotive cluster, will now receive the most
powerful and reliable fiber optic network.
Tags: acoustic monitoring intelligent transport network line-cable structures in the roadbed multi-channel transport communications акустический мониторинг интеллектуальная транспортная сеть линейно-кабельные сооружения в полотне автодорог транспортные многоканальные коммуникации
5G NETWORKS LEAD TO CREATE NEW ECOSYSTEMS 5G technologies make it possible to provide high quality OTT services, therefore, as the fifth generation networks are introduced, cooperation between telecom operators and OTT providers will develop.
5G NETWORKS LEAD TO CREATE NEW ECOSYSTEMS 5G technologies make it possible to provide high quality OTT services, therefore, as the fifth generation networks are introduced, cooperation between telecom operators and OTT providers will develop.
Tags: 5g iskratel iskrauraltel ott providers "искрауралтел" telecommunications ecosystem отт-провайдеры экосистема телекоммуникации
BRICS AIMS AT THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS August 12, 2019 in the capital of Brazil, the first meeting of the Council of the newly established Institute for Future Communications Networks BRICS
BRICS AIMS AT THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS August 12, 2019 in the capital of Brazil, the first meeting of the Council of the newly established Institute for Future Communications Networks BRICS
Tags: brics meeting of the brics communications ministers institute for futu брикс институт будущих сетей связи собрание министров связи стран брикс
A.Ositis, S.Melnik, E.Petrova
FOCUS OF WTIS TODAY: GLOBAL CHANGE IN THE ICT WORLD The ITU World Telecommunication / ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) is the main International Forum for the measurement of telecommunications and the information society. The article analyzes the findings of the symposium, which summed up the activities of the global ICT industry in 2018 at the end of last year and gave forecasts for the near future.
FOCUS OF WTIS TODAY: GLOBAL CHANGE IN THE ICT WORLD The ITU World Telecommunication / ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) is the main International Forum for the measurement of telecommunications and the information society. The article analyzes the findings of the symposium, which summed up the activities of the global ICT industry in 2018 at the end of last year and gave forecasts for the near future.
Tags: ict development index (idi) information society trends itu measurement of the information society wtis symposium измерение информационного общества индекс развития икт (idi) мсэ симпозиум wtis тенденции информационного общества
WORLD DIGITAL RING – WHO WILL WIN? PART 2 Surviving the hi-tech explosive field in the harsh realities of trade wars is the "golden asset" of every company. Its main postulates are purely individual, but can help the other team in many ways, from the formation of a flexible and smart strategy to the strength of mind in its execution.
WORLD DIGITAL RING – WHO WILL WIN? PART 2 Surviving the hi-tech explosive field in the harsh realities of trade wars is the "golden asset" of every company. Its main postulates are purely individual, but can help the other team in many ways, from the formation of a flexible and smart strategy to the strength of mind in its execution.
Tags: apple digital value chains hi-tech ict economics цифровые цепочки добавленной стоимости экономика икт
Cables & Passive Equipment
ON THE NEED FOR EFFICIENT OPERATION OF COPPER CORE SUBSCRIBER ACCESS NETWORKS There is an urgent need to update the "Guidelines for the construction of linear
structures of local communication networks".
ON THE NEED FOR EFFICIENT OPERATION OF COPPER CORE SUBSCRIBER ACCESS NETWORKS There is an urgent need to update the "Guidelines for the construction of linear
structures of local communication networks".
Tags: communication cables installation of communication cables laying of communication cables subscriber access networks кабели связи монтаж кабелей связи прокладка кабелей связи сети абонентского доступа
PARTICIPATORY SHARE OF RUSSIAN MANUFACTURERS BY THE YEAR 2030 SHOULD REACH 80% According to the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of the Russian
Federation developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, production volumes in the industry should grow up by more than 2.5
times. By the same time, the civilian electronics sector should grow up by about five times:
from 940 billion to 4.6 trillion rubles.
PARTICIPATORY SHARE OF RUSSIAN MANUFACTURERS BY THE YEAR 2030 SHOULD REACH 80% According to the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of the Russian
Federation developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, production volumes in the industry should grow up by more than 2.5
times. By the same time, the civilian electronics sector should grow up by about five times:
from 940 billion to 4.6 trillion rubles.
Tags: consortiums electronic component base electronic industry ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation консорциумы минпромторг рф экб электронная промышленность
S.Dovgiy, V.Kolotov, N.Storozhuk
THE INFLUENCE OF CYBER SECURITY ON SOVEREIGNTY AND PROSPECTS OF RUSSIAN-VIETNAM COOPERATION The influence of cyber security on the level of sovereignty in the modern world is examined; a list of priority measures is proposed, the application of which can increase the level of sovereignty of the country. The problems are examined by the example of Vietnam, which in recent years has shown a very high efficiency of economic management, but in the field of network and cyber security it is still in a zone of dangerous vulnerability. The authors believe
that increased cooperation in this field with the Russian Federation will allow Vietnam to quickly reduce risks in the most dangerous areas.
THE INFLUENCE OF CYBER SECURITY ON SOVEREIGNTY AND PROSPECTS OF RUSSIAN-VIETNAM COOPERATION The influence of cyber security on the level of sovereignty in the modern world is examined; a list of priority measures is proposed, the application of which can increase the level of sovereignty of the country. The problems are examined by the example of Vietnam, which in recent years has shown a very high efficiency of economic management, but in the field of network and cyber security it is still in a zone of dangerous vulnerability. The authors believe
that increased cooperation in this field with the Russian Federation will allow Vietnam to quickly reduce risks in the most dangerous areas.
Tags: critical infrastructure cyber security protection of digital space sovereignty of the country vietnam вьетнам защита цифрового пространства кибербезопасность критическая инфраструктура суверенитета страны
Chapters of History
FROM NEGOTIATING CABIN TO THE FIRST SOVIET PAYPHONE The history of domestic payphones from "public telephones" to payphones of the "B" series is presented.
FROM NEGOTIATING CABIN TO THE FIRST SOVIET PAYPHONE The history of domestic payphones from "public telephones" to payphones of the "B" series is presented.