Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
Summit of TD-LTE operators, on the way to 4.5G and 5G 6th summit of the TD-LTE operators was attended by over 150 representatives of 29 operators, 28 developers and equipment manufacturers.
Summit of TD-LTE operators, on the way to 4.5G and 5G 6th summit of the TD-LTE operators was attended by over 150 representatives of 29 operators, 28 developers and equipment manufacturers.
Network Infrastructure
Present and future of SDN&NFV In the corporate and operator’s segments there is a radical change of approaches to networking based on the convergence of two key technologies, SDN and NFV.
Present and future of SDN&NFV In the corporate and operator’s segments there is a radical change of approaches to networking based on the convergence of two key technologies, SDN and NFV.
Cables and passive equipment
A.Bulkhin, V.Andreev, B.Popov, V.Popov
Comparative analysis of characteristics of balanced cables with aluminum and lead shells A comparative analysis of structural and electrical characteristics of balanced cables with styroflex and porous-film insulation and aluminum and lead shells is carried out. It is shown that the communication cables with aluminium shell have undeniable advantages in almost all characteristics.
Comparative analysis of characteristics of balanced cables with aluminum and lead shells A comparative analysis of structural and electrical characteristics of balanced cables with styroflex and porous-film insulation and aluminum and lead shells is carried out. It is shown that the communication cables with aluminium shell have undeniable advantages in almost all characteristics.
Tags: communication cables with aluminum shell communication cables with lead shell кабели связи в алюминиевой оболочке кабели связи в свинцовой оболочке
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Measurement and Synchronization
Keysight Technologies strengthens position in wireless communication At MWC 2016 Keysight Technologies symbolically celebrated the anniversary of its independence with a ceremony dedicated to the acquisition of Anite.
Keysight Technologies strengthens position in wireless communication At MWC 2016 Keysight Technologies symbolically celebrated the anniversary of its independence with a ceremony dedicated to the acquisition of Anite.
Telecommunication Business
Virtualization and VoIP or how to optimize communications for business
Employees are the basis of business success of any company, its main asset and treasure, which needs investments. It is not surprising that communication between staff is extremely important
Broadcasting in saturation It seems that on-air broadcasting is losing the battle for viewers against pay-TV. According to analysts, by the end of this year the number of pay-TV subscribers, including OTT services, will reach 40.4 million.
Broadcasting in saturation It seems that on-air broadcasting is losing the battle for viewers against pay-TV. According to analysts, by the end of this year the number of pay-TV subscribers, including OTT services, will reach 40.4 million.
Wired Communication
N.Varava, S.Pronin, M.Nikonorov
Fiber optic in LANs and information systems, choice of the physical environment and active component base The use of fiber optics in the areas related to the modern local communication and information systems is discussed. The examples of application of receiving and transmitting optical modules of both imported and domestic production for each type of fiber are given. The results of practical implementation of these solutions are shown.
Fiber optic in LANs and information systems, choice of the physical environment and active component base The use of fiber optics in the areas related to the modern local communication and information systems is discussed. The examples of application of receiving and transmitting optical modules of both imported and domestic production for each type of fiber are given. The results of practical implementation of these solutions are shown.
Aerial FTTH networks for private building areas Which broadband access technology is optimal for private building, wireless or wired, ADSL or FTTH?
Aerial FTTH networks for private building areas Which broadband access technology is optimal for private building, wireless or wired, ADSL or FTTH?
Tags: broadband access ftth шпд
New partners of IPMatika Participants of the scientific-technical conference organized by IPMatika for partners discussed the latest network solutions for small, medium and large businesses. This article describes products of new partners of the company.
New partners of IPMatika Participants of the scientific-technical conference organized by IPMatika for partners discussed the latest network solutions for small, medium and large businesses. This article describes products of new partners of the company.
Tags: industrial phone poe switches poe-коммутаторы recording of phone conversations запись телефонных разговоров промышленные телефоны
K.Russell, P.Spruyt, S.Vanhastel
Vplus gets more out of VDSL2 vectoring Vplus technology of the xDSL family allows with use of one copper pair of exchange line to achieve transfer speeds over 300 Mbps.
Vplus gets more out of VDSL2 vectoring Vplus technology of the xDSL family allows with use of one copper pair of exchange line to achieve transfer speeds over 300 Mbps.
Cables & Passive Equipment
Optical cables as focus of attention at CABEX 2016 CABEX, the 15th International Exhibition took place in Moscow.
Optical cables as focus of attention at CABEX 2016 CABEX, the 15th International Exhibition took place in Moscow.
Developed in Russia, made in Russia On April 13, InfiNet Wireless, which is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of broadband wireless access carrier-grade systems, has opened up new production areas.
Developed in Russia, made in Russia On April 13, InfiNet Wireless, which is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of broadband wireless access carrier-grade systems, has opened up new production areas.
Space Telecommunications
State and prospects of HTS-based satellite broadband access in Russia In the middle of the 2020-ies, with increasing of HTS capacity and tariff reduction in Russia up to 200 thousand of SSPD individual subscribers can be connected.
State and prospects of HTS-based satellite broadband access in Russia In the middle of the 2020-ies, with increasing of HTS capacity and tariff reduction in Russia up to 200 thousand of SSPD individual subscribers can be connected.
Tags: high throughput satellite satellite broadband access спутники высокой пропускной способности (hts) спутниковый шпд
Information security as object of legal regulation Russia has formed a quite extensive legal framework in the field of information security and information protection. However, there is an urgent need for its further improvement.
Information security as object of legal regulation Russia has formed a quite extensive legal framework in the field of information security and information protection. However, there is an urgent need for its further improvement.