Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
Current requirements for microwave EQUIPMENT Microwave communication lines along with the fiber-optic and satellite channels continue to form around the world the basis of telecommunications infrastructure. What requirements they must meet today?
Current requirements for microwave EQUIPMENT Microwave communication lines along with the fiber-optic and satellite channels continue to form around the world the basis of telecommunications infrastructure. What requirements they must meet today?
V.Tikhvinsky, V.Koval, G.Bochechka
LoRa technology: prospects for implementation in IoT networks Today, LoRa technology has a number of advantages for IoT/M2M networks in comparison with mobile solutions that use licensed frequency bands. However, it should sustain a serious competition with the radio access technology of NB-IoT, and LTE Cat.0.
LoRa technology: prospects for implementation in IoT networks Today, LoRa technology has a number of advantages for IoT/M2M networks in comparison with mobile solutions that use licensed frequency bands. However, it should sustain a serious competition with the radio access technology of NB-IoT, and LTE Cat.0.
Network Infrastructure
3G/UMTS gateways and modules by Yeastar for VoIP networks IPMatika presents a range of devices with 3G/UMTS support by Yeastar, a manufacturer of VoIP equipment, which can be used in VoIP infrastructures of small and medium enterprises for calls through the mobile network of the third generation.
3G/UMTS gateways and modules by Yeastar for VoIP networks IPMatika presents a range of devices with 3G/UMTS support by Yeastar, a manufacturer of VoIP equipment, which can be used in VoIP infrastructures of small and medium enterprises for calls through the mobile network of the third generation.
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Telecommunication Business
Half-year of expectations Difficult market conditions and increasing competition are forcing operators to take measures to maintain economic stability, namely to reduce operating costs and capital investment, to increase their effectiveness.
Half-year of expectations Difficult market conditions and increasing competition are forcing operators to take measures to maintain economic stability, namely to reduce operating costs and capital investment, to increase their effectiveness.
Wired Communication
Supercoherent solutions for terabit optical transport networks The role of advanced modulation formats in the context
of the tasks to improve the efficiency of existing and future optical
transport networks is considered.
Supercoherent solutions for terabit optical transport networks The role of advanced modulation formats in the context
of the tasks to improve the efficiency of existing and future optical
transport networks is considered.
Tags: coherent reception dwdm optical transmission systems когерентный прием оптические системы передачи
Cables & Passive Equipment
V.Andreev, B.Popov, V.Popov, M.Vazhdaev, S.Gavryushin
Study of changes in excess length of fiber in self-carrying optical cable in a separate manufacturing operations In strict observance of technologies, the amount of redundant optic fibres at the production stage of module and at the subsequent operations of manufacturing of the self-carrying optical cable is changed slightly.
Study of changes in excess length of fiber in self-carrying optical cable in a separate manufacturing operations In strict observance of technologies, the amount of redundant optic fibres at the production stage of module and at the subsequent operations of manufacturing of the self-carrying optical cable is changed slightly.
Impact of increased bandwidth on the fiber network In the world it is necessary to build an additional 3.8 billion km of fiber to "bring up" all mankind to the present level of the countries with advanced telecommunication infrastructure.
Impact of increased bandwidth on the fiber network In the world it is necessary to build an additional 3.8 billion km of fiber to "bring up" all mankind to the present level of the countries with advanced telecommunication infrastructure.
Bimodal verification by voice/face with use of mobile applications One of the promising areas of customer verification in mobile banking is bimodal verification by voice and face with the use of mobile applications.
Bimodal verification by voice/face with use of mobile applications One of the promising areas of customer verification in mobile banking is bimodal verification by voice and face with the use of mobile applications.
Tags: bimodal verification information security verification of customers бимодальная верификация верификация клиентов информационная безопасность
Chapters of History
To be or not to be...": network and lines of communication in A.S.Popov central museum of telecommunication. Part 1 Difficult situation has developed in A.S.Popov Central museum of telecommunication with presentation of history of networks and communication lines. Construction of an exposition "Networks and communications" isn’t complete, replenishment of the collection of appropriate equipment is required, the section "Modern communication" requires constant updating.
To be or not to be...": network and lines of communication in A.S.Popov central museum of telecommunication. Part 1 Difficult situation has developed in A.S.Popov Central museum of telecommunication with presentation of history of networks and communication lines. Construction of an exposition "Networks and communications" isn’t complete, replenishment of the collection of appropriate equipment is required, the section "Modern communication" requires constant updating.