From Torzhok to the outskirts DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
ProfComm 2024: LTE/5G private networks in the spotlight DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The XI International Forum on Professional Networks and Communication Systems ProfComm 2024, organised by ComNews Information Group and in many ways continuing the long history of Russian forums known until 2020 under the name "Professional Mobile Radio Communications", took place in Moscow on November 14. The report pays special attention to the topic of private pLTE/5G wireless networks.
Implementation of Russian base stations will start in 2025 DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
More than 300 participants gathered in St. Petersburg on 28 November at the main expert platform on the subject of technological sovereignty in the telecom industry – the second combined demonstration day of the year of the Industrial Competence Centres (ICC) "Mobile Communications" and "Fixed Communications".
MANET technologies in professionalmobile radio communication DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The main features of MANET wireless technology are considered, it is compared with other digital technologies of professional mobile radio communication. MANET equipment developed by the Russian company "Radiodynamika" is briefly presented.
Performance and noise immunity comparison of DVB-S2X and 5G NR MPPP codes DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
For implementation of convergent system integrating satellite and mobile communication it is necessary to apply complex methods of channel coding. In the paper the of MPPPh class codes application in DVB-S2X and 5G NR standards are considered.
Review of spectrum sensing models LTE and NR signals DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The paper is devoted to the review of models of artificial intelligence use for determining by the receiver of cognitive radio information about the target signal structure on the basis of neural network approach. It describes how the models capture and partition LTE and 5G NR signals in spectrum sensing. Deep learning neural network semantic segmentation neural network models are used to identify LTE and NR signals. The considered set of models can be used for practical implementation of spectrum sensing in dynamic spectrum access in promising cognitive radio networks.
Peculiarities of construction of connecting lines of Wi-Fi access points of intra-objectinformation systems DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
Expediency of building modern SCS on the element base of category 6 is noted and it is recommended to use the same solution for implementation of connecting lines from LAN switch to wireless access points. Necessity of using a physical two-channel scheme when building such lines with allocation of a separate section of the tray for laying their cables is noted.
CCI interested in physical infrastructure information technologies DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
Within the framework of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on Financial, Industrial and Investment Policy, a commission for physical infrastructure development of information technologies has been created. The first public meeting of the new public structure was held on 13 November.
SMART standards: a new representation of normative documents DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The year 2024 was the final year of work of the project technical committee PTC 711 "Smart (SMART) Standards" and finally demonstrated the critical importance of SMART-standards for digitalisation of the Russian economy and, first of all, the industrial sector. While the procedure of transforming PTC 711 into a permanent technical committee is underway, it makes sense to summarise the interim results of work in the area of SMART standardisation, share plans and draw the attention of representatives of all advanced industries to this topic.
Study of the influence of reflectometer pulses on coherent DWDM channels DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
It is observed that the reflectometer pulse affects the accompanying DWDM signal due to the forced Raman scattering (FRS) effect. It is found that in coherent links it is important to consider both the attenuation of DWDM signal power and the rate at which this occurs, as both can cause short-term loss of traffic on the link. To take them into account, a dynamic model – an exact solution of the system of rate equations describing the DWDM interaction – was implemented.
High-capacity transport FOTS. Part 3. Evolution of technologies for manufacturing coherent DSPs. The end DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
This series of papers presents international industry standards for 400G open line interfaces with interchangeable coherent optical transceiver modules (transceivers) for OTN/DWDM transport fiber optic transmission systems (Part 1), evolution of generations of coherent digital signal processors (DSPs) for high-speed optical channels (wavelengths) in FOTs (Part 2), and evolution of technologies for manufacturing coherent DSPs for FOTs (Part 3).
"Goodwin": from DECT to IIoT DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
Concern Goodwin (Goodwin Europe), a resident of the special economic zone Technopolis Moscow, took part in the exhibition-forum Electronics of Russia held on 26-28 November in Crocus Expo IEC after a certain break. The stand of the company, known since 1997 as the country’s leading developer and manufacturer of wireless microcellular communication systems in general industrial and explosion-proof versions, also presented its latest developments in the field of personnel monitoring systems.