Executive Opinion
Cloud Technologies
Russian Cloud Services Market: realities, concerns, expectations Russian cloud services market research data is reported, forecast of its development is given, users expectations and apprehensions are analysed
Russian Cloud Services Market: realities, concerns, expectations Russian cloud services market research data is reported, forecast of its development is given, users expectations and apprehensions are analysed
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Measurement and Synchronization
S.Glagolev, V. Rudnitzky, V.Symkin, A.Saltykov
Subscriber Network PON Section. Reflectometry Specific Features Peculiar properties of passive optical networks reflectometry measurements caused by splitter turn-on and by great verity of subscriber stations organization plans
Subscriber Network PON Section. Reflectometry Specific Features Peculiar properties of passive optical networks reflectometry measurements caused by splitter turn-on and by great verity of subscriber stations organization plans
Tags: pon reflectometry рефлектометрия
Telecommunication Business
China Digital Economy: The Second Assimilation Wave – Not Broad but Deep! Part 2 Production efficiency and quality of life growth are the two support beams of China new economic model. The state is peying special attention to make its country more comfortable. One of the main country transformation “tools” is ICT industry
China Digital Economy: The Second Assimilation Wave – Not Broad but Deep! Part 2 Production efficiency and quality of life growth are the two support beams of China new economic model. The state is peying special attention to make its country more comfortable. One of the main country transformation “tools” is ICT industry
Tags: china economy экономика китая
Wireline Communications
S.Sidnev, V.Tzarenko
transport FOCL: Optical Fiber Type Choice Under Conditions of Uncertainty Application of different optical fibers types on transport FOCLs under conditions of uncertainty economic viability is considered. As a choice criterion integrated economic measure of net present value is used, under uncertain conditions the Hurwitz criterion was used
transport FOCL: Optical Fiber Type Choice Under Conditions of Uncertainty Application of different optical fibers types on transport FOCLs under conditions of uncertainty economic viability is considered. As a choice criterion integrated economic measure of net present value is used, under uncertain conditions the Hurwitz criterion was used
J.Maes, P.Spruyt, S.Vanhastel
G.fast Breaks Through the Gigabit Barrier G.fast technology permits to communicate data by a common telephone cable with copper conductors at 1Gb/s and its enhancement XG-FAST – up to several gigabits per second
G.fast Breaks Through the Gigabit Barrier G.fast technology permits to communicate data by a common telephone cable with copper conductors at 1Gb/s and its enhancement XG-FAST – up to several gigabits per second
Tags: g.fast vectorization векторизация
Cables & Passive Equipment
V.Andreev, B.Popov, V.Popov
High Quality Cables with Copper Conductors are the Principle for Communication Lines Reliable Performance Quality specifications of communications cables with copper conductors and different isolation types that provide high external electromagnetic influence immunity and high data throughput
High Quality Cables with Copper Conductors are the Principle for Communication Lines Reliable Performance Quality specifications of communications cables with copper conductors and different isolation types that provide high external electromagnetic influence immunity and high data throughput
Tags: communication cables with copper conductors electromagnetic influence immunity кабели связи с медными жилами; защищенность от электромагнитных
Methods for Increasing Optical Main Switching and Distribution Equipment Density The most efficient mean to increase main switching and distribution equipment density should be construed as group connectors application
Methods for Increasing Optical Main Switching and Distribution Equipment Density The most efficient mean to increase main switching and distribution equipment density should be construed as group connectors application
Optical fiber from Saransk: At the rate of Import Substitution In October-November Saransk industrial plant Fiber Optic Systems will start serial production of optical fiber which up-to-date was purchased by Russian cable plants exceptionally in abroad. The plant’s projected capacity is 2.4 million km fibers annually, and that will allow to provide 40 percents of optical fiber to 14 Russian optical cable factories
Optical fiber from Saransk: At the rate of Import Substitution In October-November Saransk industrial plant Fiber Optic Systems will start serial production of optical fiber which up-to-date was purchased by Russian cable plants exceptionally in abroad. The plant’s projected capacity is 2.4 million km fibers annually, and that will allow to provide 40 percents of optical fiber to 14 Russian optical cable factories
Space Telecommunications
Video Surveillance: Clients are Getting More Clever! New capabilities of “hardware clients” – IP cameras are observed
Video Surveillance: Clients are Getting More Clever! New capabilities of “hardware clients” – IP cameras are observed
A.Pinchuk, V. Sekeresh, N.Sokolov
Methodological Approach to Integrated Safety and Security Systems Creation Methodological approach to integrated safety and security systems creation for Russian Federation subjects is discussed
Methodological Approach to Integrated Safety and Security Systems Creation Methodological approach to integrated safety and security systems creation for Russian Federation subjects is discussed
Chapters of History
radio technolies evolution as the history of development of rf spectrum. part 1 The article presents a retrospective view on radio technologies evolution as a movement toward application of more high frequency electromagnetic spectral found on fundamental physical research results
radio technolies evolution as the history of development of rf spectrum. part 1 The article presents a retrospective view on radio technologies evolution as a movement toward application of more high frequency electromagnetic spectral found on fundamental physical research results