Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
Irtysh mining and transport machinery automatic operational dispatch control system. Part 1 The main principles of the creation of an automatic operational dispatch control system for open-casts are presented and approaches to the implementation of operational dispatch management of industrial transport involved in the transportation of rock are described.
Irtysh mining and transport machinery automatic operational dispatch control system. Part 1 The main principles of the creation of an automatic operational dispatch control system for open-casts are presented and approaches to the implementation of operational dispatch management of industrial transport involved in the transportation of rock are described.
Tags: automatic operational dispatch control systems industrial transport transportation of rocks автоматизированные системы оперативно-диспетчерского управления промышленный транспорт транспортировка горной породы
Network Infrastructure
3СХ communication platform IPmatika presents 3CX Phone System platform of the Cyprian developer of software communication systems. This open standards-based software IP-PBX is equipped with a full set of UC tools.
3СХ communication platform IPmatika presents 3CX Phone System platform of the Cyprian developer of software communication systems. This open standards-based software IP-PBX is equipped with a full set of UC tools.
Tags: communications platform ip pbx ip-атс unified communications unified working environment universal workstation единая рабочая среда коммуникационная платформа универсальное рабочее место унифицированные коммуникации
Satellite Telecommunication
In the range of the half-birthday jubilee On November 4, the Russian Satellite Communications Company will turn 50 years old. During this period the company has grown from a radio broadcasting unit to the largest satellite communications operator. The strategic goal of the RCCC until 2020 is to enter in the Top-5 global players in the satellite communications market.
In the range of the half-birthday jubilee On November 4, the Russian Satellite Communications Company will turn 50 years old. During this period the company has grown from a radio broadcasting unit to the largest satellite communications operator. The strategic goal of the RCCC until 2020 is to enter in the Top-5 global players in the satellite communications market.
Tags: communication and broadcasting satellites ka band ka-диапазон satellite broadband access space communication космическая связь спутники связи и вещания спутниковый шпд
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Telecommunication Business
We say “digital economy”, we mean “ICT” The ICT industry discusses the pros and cons of the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" approved on July 28, 2017.
We say “digital economy”, we mean “ICT” The ICT industry discusses the pros and cons of the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" approved on July 28, 2017.
Tags: digital economy digital transformation technologies infocommunication space xxi ita forum xxi форум мас инфокоммуникационное пространство технологии цифровой трансформации цифровая экономика
Wired Communication
About Alien Wavelength configurations in optical transport networks The adoption of Alien Wavelength configurations based on DWDM fiber-optic transmission system is most promising when it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the group path of the previous generation DWDM network and/or to ensure effective interaction between service routers over the transport DWDM-level using the "color" linear optical interfaces in service routers in both existing and prospective multi-vendor WAN SDN networks.
About Alien Wavelength configurations in optical transport networks The adoption of Alien Wavelength configurations based on DWDM fiber-optic transmission system is most promising when it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the group path of the previous generation DWDM network and/or to ensure effective interaction between service routers over the transport DWDM-level using the "color" linear optical interfaces in service routers in both existing and prospective multi-vendor WAN SDN networks.
Tags: alien wavelength configurations dwdm fiber optic transmission systems wan sdn волоконно-оптические системы передачи конфигурации alien wavelength
Cables & Passive Equipment
D.Gibert, V.Ryupin
Basic principles of choosing backbone fiber optic cables The technique of choosing the backbone optical cables for various conditions of application is presented.
Basic principles of choosing backbone fiber optic cables The technique of choosing the backbone optical cables for various conditions of application is presented.
Tags: fiber optic cable design fiber optic cable hanger fiber optic cable sheaths main fiber optic cables магистральные оптические кабели оболочки оптических кабелей подвеска оптических кабелей проектирование волс
Yu.Larin, D.Kholodny
Burning and burning out of insulation of fiber optic cables The theoretical solution for determining the speed and time of burning out of cables with a diameter of less than 2 cm is presented.
Burning and burning out of insulation of fiber optic cables The theoretical solution for determining the speed and time of burning out of cables with a diameter of less than 2 cm is presented.
Tags: burnup rate fiber optic cables forced combustion polymer insulation spontaneous ignition вынужденное горение оптические кабели полимерная изоляция самовоспламенение скорость выгорания
V.Zaitsev, N.Sokolov
Features of multiservice traffic taking into account messages generated by IoT devices Modern telecommunication networks serve mainly multiservice traffic in the form of IP packets. It differs significantly from the telephone traffic, and additional changes are caused by the implementation of the Internet of Things concept.
Features of multiservice traffic taking into account messages generated by IoT devices Modern telecommunication networks serve mainly multiservice traffic in the form of IP packets. It differs significantly from the telephone traffic, and additional changes are caused by the implementation of the Internet of Things concept.
Tags: distribution function internet of things telecommunication network traffic интернет вещей сети связи телекоммуникационный трафик функция распределения
Early warning in case of computer attacks The bill "On Security of Critical Informational Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" accelerates the need to create an early warning system for computer attacks, taking into account the best practices, predictive analytics and big data processing systems.
Early warning in case of computer attacks The bill "On Security of Critical Informational Infrastructure of the Russian Federation" accelerates the need to create an early warning system for computer attacks, taking into account the best practices, predictive analytics and big data processing systems.
Tags: cognitive semantic information and analytical systems critical information infrastructure early warning system situational centers когнитивные семантические информационно-аналитические системы критическая информационная инфраструктура система раннего предупреждения ситуационные центры
Chapters of History
Communication and science: mutual influence. Part 2 What is the contribution of communication to the development of modern science and technology starting with cybernetics?
Communication and science: mutual influence. Part 2 What is the contribution of communication to the development of modern science and technology starting with cybernetics?