Executive Opinion
300 days of the course: how are you, import substitute?
Providing that actually the focus on import substitution President
of the Russian Federation announced at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in May 2014 then the 300 days passed on a provisional basis became the plans and programs start-up period.
And what happened to actual business? We asked leading
domestic communication systems industrial manufacturers to tell
how had this phase impact their business functions.
of the Russian Federation announced at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in May 2014 then the 300 days passed on a provisional basis became the plans and programs start-up period.
And what happened to actual business? We asked leading
domestic communication systems industrial manufacturers to tell
how had this phase impact their business functions.
Wireless Communication
S.Popov, I.Shakhnovich
The Tenth Mobile Barselona: World Congress MWC 2015 MWC is the major event of mobile communications industry, Industrial-specific community time check appointment
The Tenth Mobile Barselona: World Congress MWC 2015 MWC is the major event of mobile communications industry, Industrial-specific community time check appointment
MWC 2015: Mobile Innovations Borders The Mobile World Congress key-note was not the question “What will we construct next?” but the answer to it: The mobile world stretched
“from the boarder to the boarder”.
MWC 2015: Mobile Innovations Borders The Mobile World Congress key-note was not the question “What will we construct next?” but the answer to it: The mobile world stretched
“from the boarder to the boarder”.
Heterogeneous Networks on the Last Mile: Traffic Transportation Problems and Solutions Heterogeneous networks based on the application of various
frequency bands and different network mapping are
capable to transmit higher data volumes at higher speed.
Heterogeneous Networks on the Last Mile: Traffic Transportation Problems and Solutions Heterogeneous networks based on the application of various
frequency bands and different network mapping are
capable to transmit higher data volumes at higher speed.
Information security
Information Security Demands New Approaches To stand up to current information security treats the state, business and society elaborate an adequate strategically and technologically renewed protection mechanism.
Information Security Demands New Approaches To stand up to current information security treats the state, business and society elaborate an adequate strategically and technologically renewed protection mechanism.
Конференции, выставки, семинары
CSTB’2015: In the Previous Format Investments attraction of TV broadcasting branch under the conditions of advertizing restrictions for leased channels, convergence processes and subscription-based television market players divergence, anti-recessionary measures, and Russian TV broadcasting development scenario were discussed at the exhibition-forum CSTB. Telecom & Media’2015” that took place at the exhibition Center Crocus- Expo at the end of January.
CSTB’2015: In the Previous Format Investments attraction of TV broadcasting branch under the conditions of advertizing restrictions for leased channels, convergence processes and subscription-based television market players divergence, anti-recessionary measures, and Russian TV broadcasting development scenario were discussed at the exhibition-forum CSTB. Telecom & Media’2015” that took place at the exhibition Center Crocus- Expo at the end of January.
Measurement and Synchronization
New Communication Networks Implementation Rules By the Ministry of communications of Russia the requirements for conditions of putting telecommunications networks into operation were approved..
New Communication Networks Implementation Rules By the Ministry of communications of Russia the requirements for conditions of putting telecommunications networks into operation were approved..
Telecommunication Business
B.Metelev, A.Kocherov
Operation Intellect goes to the “Ground” A new approach to operating communication networks business process based on linear personal working process automation that permits to significantly increase their operating efficiency.
Operation Intellect goes to the “Ground” A new approach to operating communication networks business process based on linear personal working process automation that permits to significantly increase their operating efficiency.
I.Vasilyev, A.Shtin, M.Mukhamedsyanov, V.Lyadsky
Professional Retraining as a viable route to telecommunications engineers skill improvement Telecommunication knowledge every five years doubles. To the first plan comes professional retraining.
Professional Retraining as a viable route to telecommunications engineers skill improvement Telecommunication knowledge every five years doubles. To the first plan comes professional retraining.
Wired Communication
V.Gaynov, M.Slepzov, V.Treshikov
Long-Range Single-hop Fiber-Optic Communication Lines: How to cut transport networks cost The capability to decrease the cost of fiber-optic system construction underwater or in a sparcely populated locality with the help of single-hop fiber-optic systems that can provide links with 1Tb communication speed and transmission reach 500km is the subject of this article.
Long-Range Single-hop Fiber-Optic Communication Lines: How to cut transport networks cost The capability to decrease the cost of fiber-optic system construction underwater or in a sparcely populated locality with the help of single-hop fiber-optic systems that can provide links with 1Tb communication speed and transmission reach 500km is the subject of this article.
Yealink VC series. Hardware Videoconference Systems IPMatika introduces a new videoconference equipment series Yealink.
Yealink VC series. Hardware Videoconference Systems IPMatika introduces a new videoconference equipment series Yealink.