Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
O.Shorin, G.Bokk
Analysis of electromagnetic compatibility of the fourth generation standards LTE is the most promising technology of mobile communication in Russia.
Analysis of electromagnetic compatibility of the fourth generation standards LTE is the most promising technology of mobile communication in Russia.
Monitoring the operator’s network, or how to prevent churn Monitoring system is an essential tool for the operator
Monitoring the operator’s network, or how to prevent churn Monitoring system is an essential tool for the operator
Cables and passive equipment
Modern communication technology starts with fiber optic The annual technical seminar was organized in Moscow by Optical communications division of Corning Corporation.
Modern communication technology starts with fiber optic The annual technical seminar was organized in Moscow by Optical communications division of Corning Corporation.
The non-continuous supports influence on the mechanical properties of the cables in the SCS A well-known rule of five-foot spacing between cable non-continuous supports was for many years a telecommunications cabling standard. But the industry is changing.
The non-continuous supports influence on the mechanical properties of the cables in the SCS A well-known rule of five-foot spacing between cable non-continuous supports was for many years a telecommunications cabling standard. But the industry is changing.
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Measurement and Synchronization
Radiophotonic communication systems, the parameter measurements and characterization of RF/microwave components In the last decade in the field of ultra-wideband transmission
the photonic systems substitute the electronic ones.
Radiophotonic communication systems, the parameter measurements and characterization of RF/microwave components In the last decade in the field of ultra-wideband transmission
the photonic systems substitute the electronic ones.
Tags: measurement of rf/microwave components radiophotonic communication systems измерение параметров вч/свч компонентов радиофотонные системы связи
WRC-15 and the struggle for the frequency resources for the development of mobile wireless broadband From 2 to 27 November 2015 Geneva hosted the World Radiocomm. Conference
WRC-15 and the struggle for the frequency resources for the development of mobile wireless broadband From 2 to 27 November 2015 Geneva hosted the World Radiocomm. Conference
LEGAL INTERCEPTION-2015, pursue a preemptive tactic SORM technology and ideology changes with the development of the communications industry. Life demands an accelerated, proactive introduction of new principles of legal information monitoring.
LEGAL INTERCEPTION-2015, pursue a preemptive tactic SORM technology and ideology changes with the development of the communications industry. Life demands an accelerated, proactive introduction of new principles of legal information monitoring.
Tags: legal interception regulatory framework of telecommunications нормативная база телекоммуникаций сорм
Telecommunication Business
MTT opened a window to Europe Russian operator "Multiregional TransitTelecom" presented
to the Finnish market Aiva Mobile offer.
MTT opened a window to Europe Russian operator "Multiregional TransitTelecom" presented
to the Finnish market Aiva Mobile offer.
Tags: mvno
Russian contact centers market is approaching the maturity stage The Russian market today can be characterized as mature enough.
Russian contact centers market is approaching the maturity stage The Russian market today can be characterized as mature enough.
Wired Communication
E.Bogdanova, A.Sigaev, I.Tolstikhin
Simulation modeling in the development of high-speed DWDM systems The article compares the results of simulation of DWDM system using VPItransmissionMaker.
Simulation modeling in the development of high-speed DWDM systems The article compares the results of simulation of DWDM system using VPItransmissionMaker.
Yealink VC110, novelty in the video conferencing market Yealink presents the low model in the range of video conferencing terminals for group use.
Yealink VC110, novelty in the video conferencing market Yealink presents the low model in the range of video conferencing terminals for group use.
About the credibility of the security services that ensure the validity of electronic documents. Part 1 To build a space of trust for electronic documents that are certified by a qualified electronic signature it is necessary to develop requirements for their security services.
About the credibility of the security services that ensure the validity of electronic documents. Part 1 To build a space of trust for electronic documents that are certified by a qualified electronic signature it is necessary to develop requirements for their security services.
Chapters of History
ЗЕМСКИЕ ТЕЛЕФОННЫЕ СЕТИ (из истории телефонизации России). ЧАСТЬ 1 The article provides a brief overview of the development of telephone networks, which were created in the pre-revolutionary period by local self-government.
ЗЕМСКИЕ ТЕЛЕФОННЫЕ СЕТИ (из истории телефонизации России). ЧАСТЬ 1 The article provides a brief overview of the development of telephone networks, which were created in the pre-revolutionary period by local self-government.