Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
Wi-Fi and IoT in focus The focus of the jubilee, 20th conference "BESEDA", traditionally organized by CompTek, is the development trends in Russia of Wi-Fi and wireless solutions for IoT, as well as technologies offered for these markets.
Wi-Fi and IoT in focus The focus of the jubilee, 20th conference "BESEDA", traditionally organized by CompTek, is the development trends in Russia of Wi-Fi and wireless solutions for IoT, as well as technologies offered for these markets.
Tags: conference "beseda" lorawan wi-fi wireless broadband access technologies беспроводные технологии широкополосного доступа конференция "беседа"
Customer Equipment
Yealink CP920 audio conference phone IPMatika represents the new audio conference phone Yealink CP920
Yealink CP920 audio conference phone IPMatika represents the new audio conference phone Yealink CP920
Tags: byod collaboration conferencing sip unified communications конференц-связь совместная работа унифицированные коммуникации
Satellite Telecommunication
Features of space transformation Satellite communication today is an innovative segment of the economy, which has been transformed from the sphere of activity of the government and leading defense enterprises into the operator’s business.
Features of space transformation Satellite communication today is an innovative segment of the economy, which has been transformed from the sphere of activity of the government and leading defense enterprises into the operator’s business.
Tags: communication and broadcasting satellites ka band ka-диапазон satellite broadband access space communication космическая связь спутники связи и вещания спутниковый шпд
Cables and passive equipment
The flagship of cable science celebrated its jubilee November 16, 1947, in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the development of the production of cable for telecommunications and cables for underwater laying", the Scientific Research Institute of the Cable Industry was established. Nowadays it is VNIIKP JSC. On the eve of the anniversary, the scientific and technical conference "VNIIKP – 70 years in the forefront of the cable industry" was held.
The flagship of cable science celebrated its jubilee November 16, 1947, in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the development of the production of cable for telecommunications and cables for underwater laying", the Scientific Research Institute of the Cable Industry was established. Nowadays it is VNIIKP JSC. On the eve of the anniversary, the scientific and technical conference "VNIIKP – 70 years in the forefront of the cable industry" was held.
Tags: lan-cables lan-кабели optical cables production of optical fiber vniikp вниикп оптические кабели производство оптического волокна
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Transport is preparing for digital era Last fall, the Moscow President-Hotel for the second time hosted the international forum "Intellectual transport systems of Russia". Experts discussed the development of transport infrastructure in the digital economy and transport safety. Representatives of the communications industry also took an active part in the forum.
Transport is preparing for digital era Last fall, the Moscow President-Hotel for the second time hosted the international forum "Intellectual transport systems of Russia". Experts discussed the development of transport infrastructure in the digital economy and transport safety. Representatives of the communications industry also took an active part in the forum.
Cables & Passive Equipment
Some actual problems of reflectometry in measurement of optical fibers The problems of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the estimation of the attenuation of optical fibers by reflectometers are considered, typical causes of a systematic and random error in real measurement practice are noted. The factors and conditions are indicated, under which the rms measurement error can be within ± 0,001 dB/km.
Some actual problems of reflectometry in measurement of optical fibers The problems of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the estimation of the attenuation of optical fibers by reflectometers are considered, typical causes of a systematic and random error in real measurement practice are noted. The factors and conditions are indicated, under which the rms measurement error can be within ± 0,001 dB/km.
Tags: accuracy of otdrs optical cables optical fiber attenuation measurements optical reflectometers измерения затухания оптического волокна оптические кабели оптические рефлектометры точность рефлектометров
Use of 3D thematic map for IoT network planning It is proposed to use 3D thematic maps for planning IoT networks, which are formed on the basis of a stereological model of space of the functioning of IoT networks. The methods for the formation of 3D thematic maps are considered, and the forms of their representation and visualization are shown.
Use of 3D thematic map for IoT network planning It is proposed to use 3D thematic maps for planning IoT networks, which are formed on the basis of a stereological model of space of the functioning of IoT networks. The methods for the formation of 3D thematic maps are considered, and the forms of their representation and visualization are shown.
Tags: 3d thematic maps internet of things planning of communication networks stereological model of space интернет вещей объемные тематические карты планирование сетей связи стереологическая модель пространства
Equipment for radio and television broadcasting
Digital TV Russia 2017: discussions around 4K In the subtitle of the 8th Comnews conference on digital television – DTV-2017 – was stated: "Prospects for the development of Ultra HD 4K and 8K." If the key topic of several previous similar events was the implementation of the Federal Program "Development of Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009–2018," this time the organizers decided to discuss first of all what the TV market will be at the time when everyone will forget about this long-suffering program, – in two decades.
Digital TV Russia 2017: discussions around 4K In the subtitle of the 8th Comnews conference on digital television – DTV-2017 – was stated: "Prospects for the development of Ultra HD 4K and 8K." If the key topic of several previous similar events was the implementation of the Federal Program "Development of Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009–2018," this time the organizers decided to discuss first of all what the TV market will be at the time when everyone will forget about this long-suffering program, – in two decades.
Tags: hevc high definition television interactive tv ultra hd 4k ultra hd 8k интерактивное тв телевидение высокой четкости
Main directions of development of visual entertainment industry The article is written on the basis of materials collected at the exhibition IBC-2017 (Amsterdam, September 14–19, 2017). The main object of consideration is the technologies and technical means required by the average user of video equipment.
Main directions of development of visual entertainment industry The article is written on the basis of materials collected at the exhibition IBC-2017 (Amsterdam, September 14–19, 2017). The main object of consideration is the technologies and technical means required by the average user of video equipment.
Tags: ibc-2017 new surveying technologies software for non-linear editing synthesis of special effects video data capture and processing facilities video products visual entertainment industry видеопродукция индустрия визуальных развлечений новые съемочные технологии программные средства для нелинейного монтажа синтез спецэффектов средства съемки и обработки видеоданных
M.Basarab, R.Belfer, E.Glinskaya, A.Kravtsov
Algorithm for establishing SVC connection on subscriber access to data transmission network, taking into account provision of information security The algorithm of the software that performs the function of establishing a connection on subscriber access areas of the data transmission network is described on the virtual channel network of a hypothetical configuration along two parallel routing paths. The software includes a program manager and a description of the algorithm of 12 programs.
Algorithm for establishing SVC connection on subscriber access to data transmission network, taking into account provision of information security The algorithm of the software that performs the function of establishing a connection on subscriber access areas of the data transmission network is described on the virtual channel network of a hypothetical configuration along two parallel routing paths. The software includes a program manager and a description of the algorithm of 12 programs.
Tags: data transmission networks for special purposes information security reliability of communication networks training laboratory stands информа¬ционная безопасность надежность сетей связи сети передачи данных специального назначения учебные лабораторные стенды
Chapters of History
Automatic telephone switching: legends, versions, facts We are considering the initial period of the history of automatic telephone switching, about which we have heard more legends than documented facts. Attention is paid to the questions: when, how and with whom the idea of automatic switching appeared; what is the contribution of foreign pioneers of automatic switching and domestic inventors K.A. Motsitsky and M.F. Freidenberg, whom we often call the inventors of automatic telephone exchange.
Automatic telephone switching: legends, versions, facts We are considering the initial period of the history of automatic telephone switching, about which we have heard more legends than documented facts. Attention is paid to the questions: when, how and with whom the idea of automatic switching appeared; what is the contribution of foreign pioneers of automatic switching and domestic inventors K.A. Motsitsky and M.F. Freidenberg, whom we often call the inventors of automatic telephone exchange.