Компетентное мнение
Cables and Passive Equipment
V.Vosnuk, Y.Parfenov
Local Telephone Lines Recovery After Swamping As a result of floods in many residential places water penetrates into the territorially-production plant cable through insulation damage and changed its electrical characteristics making dialing impossible. Authors propose a simple and economical option of cable repair.
Local Telephone Lines Recovery After Swamping As a result of floods in many residential places water penetrates into the territorially-production plant cable through insulation damage and changed its electrical characteristics making dialing impossible. Authors propose a simple and economical option of cable repair.
Wireless Communication
From Cisco’s Source. All Beamforming Solutions Are Not Equal
Antenna systems beamforming solutions became an important feature
for corporate points of access of802.11n and next standards, for they
permit to optimize upward and downward data stream and also enhance network throughput. To solve this problem there are two approaches: with the help
of a patch antenna or a DSP. Both of them have certain advantages but
DSPs have many benefits that lead to higher system performance
make it a more favorable chose.
for corporate points of access of802.11n and next standards, for they
permit to optimize upward and downward data stream and also enhance network throughput. To solve this problem there are two approaches: with the help
of a patch antenna or a DSP. Both of them have certain advantages but
DSPs have many benefits that lead to higher system performance
make it a more favorable chose.
Tags: channel performance dsp switched antenna arrays wi-fi коммутируемые антенные решетки производительность канала цсп
Li Yuesheng
1Mbps: Economical and practical (Economics and Practices?) 1Mbps data transmission rate provides optimal ratio of cost and mobile high bandwidth service quality at any place and any time. But it is more easy to say “at any place and any time” then fulfill this. In this article Huawei company specialist considers possible approaches to the solution of this problem.
1Mbps: Economical and practical (Economics and Practices?) 1Mbps data transmission rate provides optimal ratio of cost and mobile high bandwidth service quality at any place and any time. But it is more easy to say “at any place and any time” then fulfill this. In this article Huawei company specialist considers possible approaches to the solution of this problem.
Tags: data transfer rate network service quality umts загруженность сот качество сетевых услуг скорость передачи данных
Satellite Communications
Wialon – Satellite Monitoring Advanced Solution Gurtam announces a product line Wialon, in other words a transport
monitoring and controlling professional solution. The Wialon
family involves three main programming solutions that have a verity
of essential advantages and meet different users requirements.
The transport monitoring and controlling professional solutions
Wialon profitably employ more then 600 companies in 70 countries worldwide.
Wialon – Satellite Monitoring Advanced Solution Gurtam announces a product line Wialon, in other words a transport
monitoring and controlling professional solution. The Wialon
family involves three main programming solutions that have a verity
of essential advantages and meet different users requirements.
The transport monitoring and controlling professional solutions
Wialon profitably employ more then 600 companies in 70 countries worldwide.
Tags: satellite monitoring transport control wialon programming solution программные решения wialon спутниковый мониторинг управление транспортом
Cloud Technologies
Providing Data Security When Using Cloud Technologies The article discloses cloud technologies principles of operation and considers different threatening modes to which data may be exposed in a virtual media. Special attention is given to information security facilities that where developed in response to present
Providing Data Security When Using Cloud Technologies The article discloses cloud technologies principles of operation and considers different threatening modes to which data may be exposed in a virtual media. Special attention is given to information security facilities that where developed in response to present
Tags: cloud technologies data security facilities information security информационная безопасность облачные технологии средства защиты данных
Big Data Processing Systems Maintenance Big Data is one of the priority directions of information technology development. Today certain companies and governmental organizations have already implemented, others finished and the main part plans to implement different big data processing systems. At this conditions maintenance organization of these systems becomes more significant. This article considers the practically used method based on the common everywhere applied in IT methodology ITSM which takes into account special aspects of big data processing.
Big Data Processing Systems Maintenance Big Data is one of the priority directions of information technology development. Today certain companies and governmental organizations have already implemented, others finished and the main part plans to implement different big data processing systems. At this conditions maintenance organization of these systems becomes more significant. This article considers the practically used method based on the common everywhere applied in IT methodology ITSM which takes into account special aspects of big data processing.
Tags: big data processing systems maintenance itsm knowledge management сопровождение системы обработки больших данных управление знаниями
Fiber-Optics Technologies
A.Vasyilyev, P.Tret’yakov
Welding Machine Fujikura 80S The new welding machine that was released by Fujikura
in March 2013 and introduced at the exhibition Sviaz-Expocom caused that
much questions that it’s impossible to overlook it. The article gives
answers to most of questions about the newe machine special
aspects and opportunities
Welding Machine Fujikura 80S The new welding machine that was released by Fujikura
in March 2013 and introduced at the exhibition Sviaz-Expocom caused that
much questions that it’s impossible to overlook it. The article gives
answers to most of questions about the newe machine special
aspects and opportunities
Wired Networks
Hybrid Station Yeastar MyPBX as a Corporate Telephone Network Base Reliable telephone network is one of the essential components of a company success. For creating a corporate telephone network Yeastar offers a hybrid IP-АТС Yeastar MyPBX. This article introduces the several fold technical opportunities of this station and some practical versions of corporate telephone networks on its base
Hybrid Station Yeastar MyPBX as a Corporate Telephone Network Base Reliable telephone network is one of the essential components of a company success. For creating a corporate telephone network Yeastar offers a hybrid IP-АТС Yeastar MyPBX. This article introduces the several fold technical opportunities of this station and some practical versions of corporate telephone networks on its base
Digital TV
I.Perl, A.Babkin
Digital TV Problem of Channel Swapping and Ways of It Solution The article considers one of the current digital TV key problems, namely digital channel switching delay that exerts an negative influence on the user evolution of service quality. The article adduces the means to shorten time of switching streams for North American and Europe digital cable broadcasting methods
Digital TV Problem of Channel Swapping and Ways of It Solution The article considers one of the current digital TV key problems, namely digital channel switching delay that exerts an negative influence on the user evolution of service quality. The article adduces the means to shorten time of switching streams for North American and Europe digital cable broadcasting methods
Tags: channel switching delay digital cable broadcasting задержка переключения каналов цифровое кабельное вещание
V.Efimov. C.Lizhinkin, A.Kalinin
LO CNIIS: From traditions to Innovations In November 2013 St. Petersburgs constituent company Leningrad Department of Central scientific research communication institute (LO CNIIS), more known as Leningrad branch scientific research communication institute (LONIIS) will turn out 95 years old. In the course of these years the organization worked its way up from a small laboratory to the leading Russian scientific center. In the lead-up to celebration it is appropriate to recall achievements and plan new goals.
LO CNIIS: From traditions to Innovations In November 2013 St. Petersburgs constituent company Leningrad Department of Central scientific research communication institute (LO CNIIS), more known as Leningrad branch scientific research communication institute (LONIIS) will turn out 95 years old. In the course of these years the organization worked its way up from a small laboratory to the leading Russian scientific center. In the lead-up to celebration it is appropriate to recall achievements and plan new goals.
Control & Measurement
V.Gorokhov, O.Zhulenko
Correction of ADSL Errors Testing a line by error checking can be considered as a required element
for dedicated line with up-to-date sevice setup and examination. In accordance with the test results reported in this article measures that eliminate these
errors in ADSL transmission are taken up.
Correction of ADSL Errors Testing a line by error checking can be considered as a required element
for dedicated line with up-to-date sevice setup and examination. In accordance with the test results reported in this article measures that eliminate these
errors in ADSL transmission are taken up.
Tags: adsl error checking анализ ошибок
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Scientific and Technical Conference: Cables and Telecommunication Lines 2013
Conference: Cables and Telecommunication Lines is held annually at a most beauty
spot of the Pskov region. As usual specialists of leading Russian and Belorussian enterprises participate in this conference. The forum is an excellent field not only
for professional communication, but as well as for establishing business
contacts and strengthening of friendly ties.
spot of the Pskov region. As usual specialists of leading Russian and Belorussian enterprises participate in this conference. The forum is an excellent field not only
for professional communication, but as well as for establishing business
contacts and strengthening of friendly ties.