Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
Microcellular IP-DECT systems by GIGASET Since November 2016, IPMatika, a distributor of equipment for IP-telephony, video surveillance and video conferencing, presents on the markets of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus the microcellular IP-DECT systems by Gigaset.
Microcellular IP-DECT systems by GIGASET Since November 2016, IPMatika, a distributor of equipment for IP-telephony, video surveillance and video conferencing, presents on the markets of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus the microcellular IP-DECT systems by Gigaset.
Tags: gigaset communication systems microcellular ip-dect systems pbx микросотовые ip-dect-системы системы связи gigaset учрежденческие системы связи
Конференции, выставки, семинары
Telecommunication Business
RA&FM: new solutions of old challenges for operators The VII All-Russian conference Revenue Assurance, Fraud, InfoSecurity & Risk Management showed that the eternal for the operator’s business issues of revenue assurance, retention of the subscriber base, prevention and fight against fraud, obtain new technological solutions and organizational approaches.
RA&FM: new solutions of old challenges for operators The VII All-Russian conference Revenue Assurance, Fraud, InfoSecurity & Risk Management showed that the eternal for the operator’s business issues of revenue assurance, retention of the subscriber base, prevention and fight against fraud, obtain new technological solutions and organizational approaches.
Tags: fight against fraud retention of the subscriber base revenue assurance for telecom operators борьба с фродом гарантирование доходов операторов связи удержание абонентской базы
Wired Communication
E.Bogdanova, A.Sigaev
Loopback method for study of long-range DWDM system The loopback method of measurements allowing to test the line with use of the reduced set of optical components that significantly reduces complexity, dimensions and cost of the model is often applied to assess the capabilities of the DWDM systems at a design stage. This approach is actualized in the development of ultra-long underwater systems.
Loopback method for study of long-range DWDM system The loopback method of measurements allowing to test the line with use of the reduced set of optical components that significantly reduces complexity, dimensions and cost of the model is often applied to assess the capabilities of the DWDM systems at a design stage. This approach is actualized in the development of ultra-long underwater systems.
Tags: dwdm loopback method testing of fiber optic transmission systems петлевой метод измерений тестирование волоконно-оптических систем передачи
Multi-channel optical amplifier in components of line paths The construction of underwater communication systems requires the most simple solutions, when all parts of the optical budget of amplifying sections in the amount allow to increase the transmission range for hundreds of kilometers or invest this money in technological reserve for future upgrades. The design of such systems has shown that to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to develop all the functional components of a linear path, because the characteristics of the purchased products do not have the necessary precision.
Multi-channel optical amplifier in components of line paths The construction of underwater communication systems requires the most simple solutions, when all parts of the optical budget of amplifying sections in the amount allow to increase the transmission range for hundreds of kilometers or invest this money in technological reserve for future upgrades. The design of such systems has shown that to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to develop all the functional components of a linear path, because the characteristics of the purchased products do not have the necessary precision.
Tags: optical amplifiers osc multiplexers undersea fiber optic transmission systems мультиплексоры osc оптические усилители подводные волоконно-оптические системы передачи
Cables & Passive Equipment
Russian market of production of communication cables is in anticipation An overview of the situation in production of communication cables with copper conductors and optical cables in Russia is presented.
Russian market of production of communication cables is in anticipation An overview of the situation in production of communication cables with copper conductors and optical cables in Russia is presented.
Tags: cable plants communication cables optical cables кабели связи кабельные заводы оптические кабели
Hanging self-supporting fiber optic cables on railway poles – time-tested Use of dielectric self-supporting optical cables is the best solution for hanging on supports of contact network of railways.
Hanging self-supporting fiber optic cables on railway poles – time-tested Use of dielectric self-supporting optical cables is the best solution for hanging on supports of contact network of railways.
Tags: hanging focl optical self-supporting cables suspension cables on poles оптические самонесущие кабели подвеска кабелей на опорах подвесные волс
Power Supply
V.Goryachev, A.Chuprin
Pulse width modulator based on digital logic elements The circuit of the dual-channel pulse width modulator based on logical elements and operating according to the principle of dual regulatory effects on the slope of the sawtooth voltage with storage information about switching of threshold LE on the R-S trigger. The circuit doesn’t contain analog elements and can be easily implemented on CMDS IC using the radiation resistant technology.
Pulse width modulator based on digital logic elements The circuit of the dual-channel pulse width modulator based on logical elements and operating according to the principle of dual regulatory effects on the slope of the sawtooth voltage with storage information about switching of threshold LE on the R-S trigger. The circuit doesn’t contain analog elements and can be easily implemented on CMDS IC using the radiation resistant technology.
Tags: digital logic elements pulsed secondary power supply pwm импульсные вторичные источники питания цифровые логические элементы шим
Is there a place for internet of things in medicine? The characteristics and practical use of the xDirect and xPico device servers for remote control and data collection from medical equipment in the framework of the concept of IoT are described.
Is there a place for internet of things in medicine? The characteristics and practical use of the xDirect and xPico device servers for remote control and data collection from medical equipment in the framework of the concept of IoT are described.
Tags: device servers internet of things lantronix equipment интернет вещей оборудование lantronix серверы устройств
Equipment for radio and television broadcasting
System of wire broadcasting via broadband network The system of wired radio needs to regain its rightful place,
but based on broadband networks.
System of wire broadcasting via broadband network The system of wired radio needs to regain its rightful place,
but based on broadband networks.
Information security, training in the game As has shown the final of MCTF 2016, the third inter-university student competitions in the field of information security, which was organized in December on the basis of MTUCI, the new generation of "info-security guard" is well-trained, resourceful and passionate about the profession.
Information security, training in the game As has shown the final of MCTF 2016, the third inter-university student competitions in the field of information security, which was organized in December on the basis of MTUCI, the new generation of "info-security guard" is well-trained, resourceful and passionate about the profession.