Компетентное мнение
Cables and Passive Equipment
A.Maystrenko, L.Nabokikh
Cabex Exhibition: The Entire Spectrum of Cable Products На выставке Cabex можно увидеть широчайшую гамму кабельной продукции: от массивных медных силовых кабелей до тончайших оптических волокон. В небольшом репортаже, подготовленном по итогам выставки, занимающиеся связными кабелями фирмы рассказывают о своих новинках.
Cabex Exhibition: The Entire Spectrum of Cable Products На выставке Cabex можно увидеть широчайшую гамму кабельной продукции: от массивных медных силовых кабелей до тончайших оптических волокон. В небольшом репортаже, подготовленном по итогам выставки, занимающиеся связными кабелями фирмы рассказывают о своих новинках.
Wireless Communication
Informational-Communication Technologies: A New Field of Fight for Subscribers The dynamic growth of the market and development of new types of equipment have led to the convergence of informational, communication, and media technologies. This phenomenon shows up in different situations and radically changes the business structure of companies and enterprises. In addition, it changes the list of services and results in the appearance of innovative business models. The article shows prospects for this convergence
Informational-Communication Technologies: A New Field of Fight for Subscribers The dynamic growth of the market and development of new types of equipment have led to the convergence of informational, communication, and media technologies. This phenomenon shows up in different situations and radically changes the business structure of companies and enterprises. In addition, it changes the list of services and results in the appearance of innovative business models. The article shows prospects for this convergence
V.Tikhvinskii, G.Bochechka
Prospects for the Millimeter-Wave Range for 5G in Russia The ever growing body of data transmitted through mobile communication networks necessitates the development of new-generation (5G) cellular. The parts of the spectrum allocated for mobile communication are limited. Therefore, new frequency ranges above 27.5 GHz, i.e., the mm-wave range, should be utilized. This article considers prospects of this range for 5G networks in Russia and the current filling of this range with different services. The conversion cost for these services and the cost of spectrum deallocation are predicted.
Prospects for the Millimeter-Wave Range for 5G in Russia The ever growing body of data transmitted through mobile communication networks necessitates the development of new-generation (5G) cellular. The parts of the spectrum allocated for mobile communication are limited. Therefore, new frequency ranges above 27.5 GHz, i.e., the mm-wave range, should be utilized. This article considers prospects of this range for 5G networks in Russia and the current filling of this range with different services. The conversion cost for these services and the cost of spectrum deallocation are predicted.
The Myth of Free Space Decay: G. T. Friis Did not Touch upon This Issue Let function y(x) = abx2 be given, where a and b are constant coefficients and let
A = ax2 and B = bx2. At x ≠ 0, we have the identity y(x) = abx2 = AB/x2. If it is forgotten what are A and B, we “clearly see” that y ~ 1/x2, while actually y ~ x2. “What stuff!” the reader will say and he will be right. Nevertheless, such a reasoning resulted in one of the most persistent misperceptions in radio communication, namely, that there exists “the free space decay,” which is proportional to the radiation frequency squared. However, in strict adherence to the energy conservation law, neither decay nor dissipation can be in free space (vacuum). What is then the reason for the misperception that the higher the frequency, the more rapidly the signal decays? We will try to get outside the problem. The way out is to properly treat the Friis formula.
The Myth of Free Space Decay: G. T. Friis Did not Touch upon This Issue Let function y(x) = abx2 be given, where a and b are constant coefficients and let
A = ax2 and B = bx2. At x ≠ 0, we have the identity y(x) = abx2 = AB/x2. If it is forgotten what are A and B, we “clearly see” that y ~ 1/x2, while actually y ~ x2. “What stuff!” the reader will say and he will be right. Nevertheless, such a reasoning resulted in one of the most persistent misperceptions in radio communication, namely, that there exists “the free space decay,” which is proportional to the radiation frequency squared. However, in strict adherence to the energy conservation law, neither decay nor dissipation can be in free space (vacuum). What is then the reason for the misperception that the higher the frequency, the more rapidly the signal decays? We will try to get outside the problem. The way out is to properly treat the Friis formula.
S.Kuznetsov, B.Ognev, S.Polyakov
Optical Communication in Water The article describes a prototype of an underwater optical
communication line and reports data for its testing. The desired characteristics of high-performance wireless communication between undersea
objects are determined.
Optical Communication in Water The article describes a prototype of an underwater optical
communication line and reports data for its testing. The desired characteristics of high-performance wireless communication between undersea
objects are determined.
Tags: distance and rate of data transfer underwater optical communication дальность и скорость передачи данных подводная оптическая связь
Wireless Network to Control Mobile Services for Public Security The development and operation of a new-generation data exchange
wireless network is described. It is intended for automated systems
of on-line dispatching control of alert mobile forces of public security. It is suggested that the network operate in the VHF range
Wireless Network to Control Mobile Services for Public Security The development and operation of a new-generation data exchange
wireless network is described. It is intended for automated systems
of on-line dispatching control of alert mobile forces of public security. It is suggested that the network operate in the VHF range
Expert Opinion
5G Cellular Communication Technologies. What are our expectations?
We are on the threshold of new-generation mobile communication systems, which heat the imagination of both specialists and ordinary users. What dissatisfies us today? What are our expectations and how they can be reached? We will try to answer these questions and gain a deeper insight into five-generation (5G) wireless communication systems.
Fiber-Optics Technologies
Active Components of Fiber-Optic Communication Lines: Reliability and The Problem of Choice The active components of fiber-optic communication lines intended for a data rate of 10 Gbit/s must be carefully examined and tested for reliability. The reason is that, when the traffic is high, loss of information even within a short period of time may be significant both morally and by value.
Active Components of Fiber-Optic Communication Lines: Reliability and The Problem of Choice The active components of fiber-optic communication lines intended for a data rate of 10 Gbit/s must be carefully examined and tested for reliability. The reason is that, when the traffic is high, loss of information even within a short period of time may be significant both morally and by value.
Tags: active components of fiber-optic communication lines reliability tests активные компоненты волс испытания надежность
iOLM: Breakthrough in Fiber-Optic Communication Reflectometry Owing to the rapid development of fiber-optic communication, the reflectometer has become a device commonly used in optical measurements. At the same time, it is among devices that are the most difficult to use. The Link-Aware Technology from EXFO Co. implemented in the iOLM system shifts the burden of measurement parameter choice and data analysis from the operator to a reflectometer.
iOLM: Breakthrough in Fiber-Optic Communication Reflectometry Owing to the rapid development of fiber-optic communication, the reflectometer has become a device commonly used in optical measurements. At the same time, it is among devices that are the most difficult to use. The Link-Aware Technology from EXFO Co. implemented in the iOLM system shifts the burden of measurement parameter choice and data analysis from the operator to a reflectometer.
Tags: analysis automation fiber-optic communication lines reflectometry автоматизация анализа волс рефлектометрия
V.Lyadskii, I.Kazymov
Optical Network of Yekaterinburg: A Step toward the Future The cable duct system existing in Yekaterinburg cannot cover the requirements of the city operators in full measure. Fiber-optic communication lines
suspended on illumination poles and the overhead contact system for
electric transport hinders the maintenance of the poles and deteriorates
the image of the city. From 2012, intense design works and construction
of an alternating cable duct system are under way. The building
volume has no analogs in the Russian Federation.
Optical Network of Yekaterinburg: A Step toward the Future The cable duct system existing in Yekaterinburg cannot cover the requirements of the city operators in full measure. Fiber-optic communication lines
suspended on illumination poles and the overhead contact system for
electric transport hinders the maintenance of the poles and deteriorates
the image of the city. From 2012, intense design works and construction
of an alternating cable duct system are under way. The building
volume has no analogs in the Russian Federation.
V.Andreev, V.Burdin, V.Popov
V.Andreev, V.Burdin, V.Popov The article gives a comparative analysis of capital investments for direct burial of cables and for cable laying in a protective polymer pipeline. It is shown that in the latter case, the investments are higher by no more than 8–10%. As the capacitance of the cable grows, this difference decreases. When the capacitance exceeds 96 optical fibers, cable laying in a protective pipeline becomes cheaper.
V.Andreev, V.Burdin, V.Popov The article gives a comparative analysis of capital investments for direct burial of cables and for cable laying in a protective polymer pipeline. It is shown that in the latter case, the investments are higher by no more than 8–10%. As the capacitance of the cable grows, this difference decreases. When the capacitance exceeds 96 optical fibers, cable laying in a protective pipeline becomes cheaper.
Tags: : construction of underground fiber-optic communication lines protective polymer pipeline защитный полимерный трубопровод строительство подземных волп
FTTH Technology for Private Houses: A Way toward Digital Parity
Summarizing the results of the workshop with the participation of Teralink Co. and Inkab and Svyaz’stroidetal’ plants
Digital TV
Elecard CodecWorks: A Simple and Efficient Coded Video Competition on the Russian telecommunications market is due mainly to foreign players. Domestic companies tend to gain their own niche by conducting intense research and developing flexible solutions rather than by increasing the scale of production. Long-term experience of Elekard Co. in the field of video coding has resulted in the creation of a new Elecard CodecWorks program package for real-time video coding and optimal equipment of studio complexes and digital broadcasting systems (iPTV and Web TV).
Elecard CodecWorks: A Simple and Efficient Coded Video Competition on the Russian telecommunications market is due mainly to foreign players. Domestic companies tend to gain their own niche by conducting intense research and developing flexible solutions rather than by increasing the scale of production. Long-term experience of Elekard Co. in the field of video coding has resulted in the creation of a new Elecard CodecWorks program package for real-time video coding and optimal equipment of studio complexes and digital broadcasting systems (iPTV and Web TV).
TeamSpirit Voice&Video Engine tends to become a Russian VVoIP Standard The rapid rise in popularity of voice and video IP communications has led to the advent
of several competing incompatible platforms. While worldwide software-producing leaders are fighting with each other another, it is the right time for Russia
to accept its own VVoIP standard.
TeamSpirit Voice&Video Engine tends to become a Russian VVoIP Standard The rapid rise in popularity of voice and video IP communications has led to the advent
of several competing incompatible platforms. While worldwide software-producing leaders are fighting with each other another, it is the right time for Russia
to accept its own VVoIP standard.
Information security
Safety of VoIP Connections The introduction of data packet switching is well on the way. Standard TDM technologies are rapidly giving place to VoIP technologies. It would seem that the primary goal is reached, call costs drop, and the operator infrastructure is optimized. One can only be glad and reap the fruits of success. However, innovators know that unexpected obstacles frequently arise on the road. How to overcome them and what attention should be turn to?
Safety of VoIP Connections The introduction of data packet switching is well on the way. Standard TDM technologies are rapidly giving place to VoIP technologies. It would seem that the primary goal is reached, call costs drop, and the operator infrastructure is optimized. One can only be glad and reap the fruits of success. However, innovators know that unexpected obstacles frequently arise on the road. How to overcome them and what attention should be turn to?
Identification Problems at Remote Electronic Interaction The article considers topical identification problems arising at remote
electronic interaction. The author emphasizes that this field
of information exchange needs regulation
Identification Problems at Remote Electronic Interaction The article considers topical identification problems arising at remote
electronic interaction. The author emphasizes that this field
of information exchange needs regulation
Tags: identification regulation remote electronic interaction идентификация регулирование удаленное электронное взаимодействие
TB Forum: All Aspects of Safety The traditional accidents prevention forum held in February gave hightech answers to today’s security hazards in various fields of activity. This article acquaints the reader with dangers in the field of information and communication
TB Forum: All Aspects of Safety The traditional accidents prevention forum held in February gave hightech answers to today’s security hazards in various fields of activity. This article acquaints the reader with dangers in the field of information and communication
Network Equipment
Uninterruptable Power Supply and Communication Reliability An uninterruptable power supply developed by Russian engineers for communication networks offers a number of advantages over similar devices. Among them are a high output power (up to 1200 W), a high efficiency, redundancy capability and hot swapping of power modules, five conditions
for battery charging, and a variety of control means including remote
monitoring through an IP network.
Uninterruptable Power Supply and Communication Reliability An uninterruptable power supply developed by Russian engineers for communication networks offers a number of advantages over similar devices. Among them are a high output power (up to 1200 W), a high efficiency, redundancy capability and hot swapping of power modules, five conditions
for battery charging, and a variety of control means including remote
monitoring through an IP network.
Tags: batteries remote monitoring uninterruptable power supply аккумуляторные батареи дистанционный мониторинг источник бесперебойного питания
M.Chichvarin, S.Hall
Advanced Video Monitoring Technologies The desire of developers to improve the resolution of video monitors is quite natural and meets the demands of their users. However, attempts to design a high-end video monitoring system based on the conventional centralized structure fail, since a very high capacity of the network and a high computer performance are needed in this case.
The way out is to decentralize the system.
Advanced Video Monitoring Technologies The desire of developers to improve the resolution of video monitors is quite natural and meets the demands of their users. However, attempts to design a high-end video monitoring system based on the conventional centralized structure fail, since a very high capacity of the network and a high computer performance are needed in this case.
The way out is to decentralize the system.
Business and Right
Legal Problems of the VoIP Market Some Russian statutory provisions in the field of communication adopted in the mid-2000s are disregarded when operators of public communication networks interact with operators of voice data transmission networks. The author suggests that corrections be introduced into legislative acts.
Legal Problems of the VoIP Market Some Russian statutory provisions in the field of communication adopted in the mid-2000s are disregarded when operators of public communication networks interact with operators of voice data transmission networks. The author suggests that corrections be introduced into legislative acts.