Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
A.Miroshnichenko, I.Tatarchuk, E.Falkov, S.Shavrin
COMPARISON OF CAPACITY OF AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT OBSERVING-BROADCASTING SYSTEMS The analysis of the throughput of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcasting systems used to transmit data on the location and speed of aircraft, as well as weather information and other service information has been performed. The main criterion for the effectiveness of such systems is the amount of information that can be transmitted in the system for a given traffic of aircraft.
COMPARISON OF CAPACITY OF AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT OBSERVING-BROADCASTING SYSTEMS The analysis of the throughput of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcasting systems used to transmit data on the location and speed of aircraft, as well as weather information and other service information has been performed. The main criterion for the effectiveness of such systems is the amount of information that can be transmitted in the system for a given traffic of aircraft.
Tags: aircraft aircraft traffic automatic dependent surveillance-broadcasting systems воздушное судно системы автоматического зависимого наблюдения-вещания трафик воздушных судов
EVOLUTION OF POSITIONING TECHNOLOGIES IN CELLULAR MOBILE RADIO NETWORKS. PART 2 The second part of the study devoted to the evolution of positioning technologies in cellular mobile radio networks provides a chronology of the development of network positioning standards for a subscriber terminal using base stations of a radio access network and additional infrastructure. The presented standards are classified according to the principles of neighborhood, trilateration and scene analysis, as well as by categories of calculations in a network or terminal. Estimates of accuracy limits are considered, on the basis of which the prospects for the development of network positioning in the 5G ecosystem are formulated.
EVOLUTION OF POSITIONING TECHNOLOGIES IN CELLULAR MOBILE RADIO NETWORKS. PART 2 The second part of the study devoted to the evolution of positioning technologies in cellular mobile radio networks provides a chronology of the development of network positioning standards for a subscriber terminal using base stations of a radio access network and additional infrastructure. The presented standards are classified according to the principles of neighborhood, trilateration and scene analysis, as well as by categories of calculations in a network or terminal. Estimates of accuracy limits are considered, on the basis of which the prospects for the development of network positioning in the 5G ecosystem are formulated.
Tags: a-gnss base station cell id cellular mobile radio networks e-cid gps otd otdoa-idpl pe positioning prs rfpm rtt subscriber terminal ta ul-toa uplink tdoa абонентский терминал базовая станция позиционирование сотовые сети подвижной радиосвязи
Network Infrastructure
ELECTROMAGNETIC PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT PORTS WITH 100 / 1000BASE-T INTERFACES. PART 3 The article is a continuation of the series of publications “Accidents at communication facilities. The reason is dangerous electromagnetic influences ”and summarizes the experience in the development and operation of equipment (and protection devices for it) for wired and wireless broadband access, IP video surveillance systems using Ethernet interfaces and operating in the presence of electromagnetic interference.
ELECTROMAGNETIC PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT PORTS WITH 100 / 1000BASE-T INTERFACES. PART 3 The article is a continuation of the series of publications “Accidents at communication facilities. The reason is dangerous electromagnetic influences ”and summarizes the experience in the development and operation of equipment (and protection devices for it) for wired and wireless broadband access, IP video surveillance systems using Ethernet interfaces and operating in the presence of electromagnetic interference.
Tags: accidents at communication facilities commeng cat6p commeng cat6p устройства защиты портов ethernet communication equipment protection devices ethernet commeng odu-protect ethernet commeng odu-protect od ethernet port protection devices аварии на объектах связи устройства защиты оборудования связи
Cables and passive equipment
SYSTEM CHANGES IN PROSPECTIVE SCS The technical and economic reasons for the need to correct the basic principles of building information wiring for real estate are considered. The expediency of using the complex from the initially coordinated passive and active equipment at the lower levels of the information system is shown. It substantiates the possibility of obtaining additional gain due to the transition to a posting concept that is heterogeneous in category and the number of pairs in a line.
SYSTEM CHANGES IN PROSPECTIVE SCS The technical and economic reasons for the need to correct the basic principles of building information wiring for real estate are considered. The expediency of using the complex from the initially coordinated passive and active equipment at the lower levels of the information system is shown. It substantiates the possibility of obtaining additional gain due to the transition to a posting concept that is heterogeneous in category and the number of pairs in a line.
Tags: active consolidation point beamcaster heterogeneous horizontal wiring installation micro switch scs активная консолидационная точка инсталляционный микрокоммутатор неоднородная горизонтальная проводка скс
Measurement and Synchronization
D.Shevtsov, Y.Konstantinov, M.Belokrylov, R.Ponomarev
OPTIMAL DATA COLLECTION AT TEMPERATURE RESEARCH INTEGRATED OPTICAL MODULATORS BY FREQUENCY DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY METHOD Applied are both empirical and simulation methods to investigate the light phase change in integrated-optical modulators on lithium niobate substrate and in optical fibers pigtailed with them. To conduct the study, we used integrated optical phase modulators on a lithium niobate substrate, demonstrating the “cut-off” channeling effect of the fundamental waveguide mode at sharp temperature gradients when heated from the low temperature region, and fiber optical fibers with provoked temperature deformations. A computer model of the process is built.
OPTIMAL DATA COLLECTION AT TEMPERATURE RESEARCH INTEGRATED OPTICAL MODULATORS BY FREQUENCY DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY METHOD Applied are both empirical and simulation methods to investigate the light phase change in integrated-optical modulators on lithium niobate substrate and in optical fibers pigtailed with them. To conduct the study, we used integrated optical phase modulators on a lithium niobate substrate, demonstrating the “cut-off” channeling effect of the fundamental waveguide mode at sharp temperature gradients when heated from the low temperature region, and fiber optical fibers with provoked temperature deformations. A computer model of the process is built.
Tags: amplitude modulator correlation function frequency domain reflectometry integrated optical circuit signal processing амплитудный модулятор интегрально-оптическая схема корреляционная функция обработка сигнала рефлектометрия частотной области
Telecommunication Business
PARADOXES OF TELECOMMUNICATION TERMINOLOGY The problems of terminology in the field of telecommunications is considered. Specific examples show the inconsistencies of the special terms used with the telecommunication processes, technologies or devices with which they are associated. Positive examples of special terms are also given that simply and readily reflect the essence of a technical phenomenon. Some telecommunication terms that are tracing paper from English words without translation into Russian are analyzed.
PARADOXES OF TELECOMMUNICATION TERMINOLOGY The problems of terminology in the field of telecommunications is considered. Specific examples show the inconsistencies of the special terms used with the telecommunication processes, technologies or devices with which they are associated. Positive examples of special terms are also given that simply and readily reflect the essence of a technical phenomenon. Some telecommunication terms that are tracing paper from English words without translation into Russian are analyzed.
Tags: asynchronous transfer mode атм internet of things ip multimedia subsystem softswitch terminology асинхронный режим передачи атм гибкий коммутатор интернет вещей подсистема передачи мультимедийных сообщений ims терминология
Wired Communication
M.Zhulidova, O.Nanii, V.Treshchikov, M.Tsibinogina, D.Shevtsov, I.Shikhaliev
ERBIUM AMPLIFIERS WITH REMOTE PUMPING ON DOMESTIC ACTIVE FIBER The main integral characteristics of Remote Optical Pumped Amplifiers (ROPA) and comparative results for amplifiers on domestic and imported active optical fiber are presented. The values of parameters playing a key role in the design of communication lines such as gain and noise figure are given. The methods to measure the absorption and emission cross sections of the active fiber are shown and the advantages of the universal method are explained. It is concluded that the active fiber produced by PNPPK (Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument-Making Company) is not inferior in its characteristics to foreign analogues used in ROPA.
ERBIUM AMPLIFIERS WITH REMOTE PUMPING ON DOMESTIC ACTIVE FIBER The main integral characteristics of Remote Optical Pumped Amplifiers (ROPA) and comparative results for amplifiers on domestic and imported active optical fiber are presented. The values of parameters playing a key role in the design of communication lines such as gain and noise figure are given. The methods to measure the absorption and emission cross sections of the active fiber are shown and the advantages of the universal method are explained. It is concluded that the active fiber produced by PNPPK (Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument-Making Company) is not inferior in its characteristics to foreign analogues used in ROPA.
Tags: active fiber communication line эрбиевый усилитель erbium amplifier gain import substitution noise factor technique of measuring активное оптоволокно импортозамещение коэффициент усиления линия связи методика шум-фактор
ZYXEL GPON SOLUTIONS – SMOOTH GROWTH AS CUSTOMER DEMAND INCREASES ZYXEL Communications today has in its portfolio a complete line of carrier-grade solutions for building passive optical networks (PON) right up to the world-conquering XGS-PON technology.
ZYXEL GPON SOLUTIONS – SMOOTH GROWTH AS CUSTOMER DEMAND INCREASES ZYXEL Communications today has in its portfolio a complete line of carrier-grade solutions for building passive optical networks (PON) right up to the world-conquering XGS-PON technology.
Tags: gpon olt ont xgs-pon zyxel communications
THE PILOT PROJECT OF THE AVTODATA PLATFORM WAS LAUNCHED ON THE BASIS OF THE SMARTS INFRASTRUCTURE The "SMARTS" company organized in the Samara region the country’s first pilot zone to introduce a platform for the operation of unmanned vehicles C-V2X "Avtodata".
THE PILOT PROJECT OF THE AVTODATA PLATFORM WAS LAUNCHED ON THE BASIS OF THE SMARTS INFRASTRUCTURE The "SMARTS" company organized in the Samara region the country’s first pilot zone to introduce a platform for the operation of unmanned vehicles C-V2X "Avtodata".
Tags: “avtodata” platform intelligent transport systems "смартс" road monitoring system based on a distributed acoustic sensor smarts интеллектуальные транспортные системы платформа "автодата" система мониторинга автомобильных дорог на базе распределенного
DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTELLIGENT VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM BASED ON TECHNOLOGY FOR TRACKING MULTIPLE OBJECTS A method for solving the problem of identifying several objects in a video surveillance system is proposed. The calculation of the location of objects is based on the method of expanding the spectrum (a way to increase the efficiency of information transmission using modulated signals through a channel, which leads to an increase in the signal base) using linear frequency modulation (CSS) to increase the degree of accuracy and obtain information about the location of the object.
DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTELLIGENT VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM BASED ON TECHNOLOGY FOR TRACKING MULTIPLE OBJECTS A method for solving the problem of identifying several objects in a video surveillance system is proposed. The calculation of the location of objects is based on the method of expanding the spectrum (a way to increase the efficiency of information transmission using modulated signals through a channel, which leads to an increase in the signal base) using linear frequency modulation (CSS) to increase the degree of accuracy and obtain information about the location of the object.
Tags: active tracking technology environment for several objects location video quality video surveillance видеонаблюдение качество видео месторасположение среда для нескольких объектов технология активного слежения
Chapters of History
ON COMMUNICATIONS DURING THE DEFENSE OF SEVASTOPOL 1941–1942 Bright pages in the annals of the heroic defense of Sevastopol (1941–1942) were made by military and civil signalmen, acting together and harmoniously. The article was prepared on the basis of the materials of the documentary fund of the Central Museum of Communications named after A.S.Popov.
ON COMMUNICATIONS DURING THE DEFENSE OF SEVASTOPOL 1941–1942 Bright pages in the annals of the heroic defense of Sevastopol (1941–1942) were made by military and civil signalmen, acting together and harmoniously. The article was prepared on the basis of the materials of the documentary fund of the Central Museum of Communications named after A.S.Popov.