Компетентное мнение
Wireless Communication
Mobile Control and Communication Complex for Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia The article introduces a domestic mobile control and communication complex that stands alone. Ita main assignment is to provide interactive multimedia remote supervisory. The complex is successfully operated at Ministry of Emergency Situations
Mobile Control and Communication Complex for Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia The article introduces a domestic mobile control and communication complex that stands alone. Ita main assignment is to provide interactive multimedia remote supervisory. The complex is successfully operated at Ministry of Emergency Situations
Tags: extraordinary situations secure communications компенсация турбулентности оптический канал связи
S.Kuznetzov. S.Polakov. O.Alali, B. Hashem
Optical wireless communication Link: 10Gbit/s isn’t a limit Optical wireless communication usage in some cases doesn’t have an alternative thanks to such of its properties as security and immunity to radioelectronics countermeasure means. But the air stream turbulence with different
temperatures prevents high throughput achievement. A new approach for compensation of undesirable turbulence effects in the atmospheric
channel proposed by Russian specialists allowes to attain
information transmition rate 10Gbit/s and higher.
Optical wireless communication Link: 10Gbit/s isn’t a limit Optical wireless communication usage in some cases doesn’t have an alternative thanks to such of its properties as security and immunity to radioelectronics countermeasure means. But the air stream turbulence with different
temperatures prevents high throughput achievement. A new approach for compensation of undesirable turbulence effects in the atmospheric
channel proposed by Russian specialists allowes to attain
information transmition rate 10Gbit/s and higher.
Tags: optical communication lies turbulence copmensation компенсация турбулентности оптический канал связи
A.Mikhaylov, F.olev, A.Sergushev, A.Shirmanov
Sensor Network as the Basis of Buildings Structure Monitoring System The article presents the ideology and architecture of a buildings and constructions design safety automated information system on the ZigBee technology basis that
was developed by JSCo Avangard specialists.
Sensor Network as the Basis of Buildings Structure Monitoring System The article presents the ideology and architecture of a buildings and constructions design safety automated information system on the ZigBee technology basis that
was developed by JSCo Avangard specialists.
Multinetwork Coordination for Network Resources Usage Efficiency In passing from horizontal communications market growth to vertical, in the relief of networks technologies and users generations, proper use of network resources assumes high priority for avoiding networks bottlenecks of various kinds and service quality improvement. Therefore the specialists interest to solutions that can improve network resources usage efficiency is understandable. This article introduces such a solution of one of the leading telecommunications companies.
Multinetwork Coordination for Network Resources Usage Efficiency In passing from horizontal communications market growth to vertical, in the relief of networks technologies and users generations, proper use of network resources assumes high priority for avoiding networks bottlenecks of various kinds and service quality improvement. Therefore the specialists interest to solutions that can improve network resources usage efficiency is understandable. This article introduces such a solution of one of the leading telecommunications companies.
Cloud Technologies
The Road to Clouds with cisco There isn’t a lot of companies that would not think about cost savings and simultaneously about adding value to IT. The first thing that occurs in connection with these issues is to force into application cloud IT server. How to make this proceeding to cloud solutions maximum smooth and simultaneously foresee continually business requirements growth?
The Road to Clouds with cisco There isn’t a lot of companies that would not think about cost savings and simultaneously about adding value to IT. The first thing that occurs in connection with these issues is to force into application cloud IT server. How to make this proceeding to cloud solutions maximum smooth and simultaneously foresee continually business requirements growth?
Tags: cloud cervices dpc облачные сервисы цод
Fiber-Optics Technologies
A.Dubrovskaya. A.Belousov
Fiber-Optic Communication Lines and Radiophotonics Devices in Special Electronics Systems Radiophotonics that studies optical and microwave signals interaction permits creation of electronic systems with characteristics that are unattainable by traditional means. Ultrabandwidth analog fiber optic communication lines and also lines using radiophotoics filters, generators and other microwave devices find use in electronic countermeasures and radar stations.
Fiber-Optic Communication Lines and Radiophotonics Devices in Special Electronics Systems Radiophotonics that studies optical and microwave signals interaction permits creation of electronic systems with characteristics that are unattainable by traditional means. Ultrabandwidth analog fiber optic communication lines and also lines using radiophotoics filters, generators and other microwave devices find use in electronic countermeasures and radar stations.
Tags: analog fiber-optic communication line. radiophotonics electronic countermeasures electronic warefare radars аналоговая волс радиофотоника рлс рэб рэп
Wired Networks
Yeastar CRM Gateway. Features Map In modern conditions of business operations each trifle can be a critical part to succeed success. But to find growth points for company’s processes optimization can not be simple. One of the prime principles of company success are achievements of high speeds of answer to clients requests, of communication setup, data base access. This article considers quality improvement with the help of Yeastar’s equipment
Yeastar CRM Gateway. Features Map In modern conditions of business operations each trifle can be a critical part to succeed success. But to find growth points for company’s processes optimization can not be simple. One of the prime principles of company success are achievements of high speeds of answer to clients requests, of communication setup, data base access. This article considers quality improvement with the help of Yeastar’s equipment
Digital TV
TVEngine. An Interactive TV Platform Logic of IP networks evolution forces operators to provide new services to the customers. Just so in early 2000 years there occurred solutions that allowed to transmit digital TV channels by IP network. The article recounts CTI’s interactive TV platform development process, operation and evolution.
TVEngine. An Interactive TV Platform Logic of IP networks evolution forces operators to provide new services to the customers. Just so in early 2000 years there occurred solutions that allowed to transmit digital TV channels by IP network. The article recounts CTI’s interactive TV platform development process, operation and evolution.
Problem of high Quality video content network transmission Network transmission of digital TV broadcast devotes more and more attention. The reason of such interest is relative delivery low cost. But IP networks can provide significant negative impact on the transferred video content quality. The reason is that IP networks are sanitized to transfer data rather then video streams. The article analyses different approaches to avoid this negative IP network
impact on video content quality.
Problem of high Quality video content network transmission Network transmission of digital TV broadcast devotes more and more attention. The reason of such interest is relative delivery low cost. But IP networks can provide significant negative impact on the transferred video content quality. The reason is that IP networks are sanitized to transfer data rather then video streams. The article analyses different approaches to avoid this negative IP network
impact on video content quality.
Control & Measurement
Network Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Metrological Control DVB-T2 To broadcast high quality digital TV programs it’s necessary to control digital TV signal DVB-T2 transmission with the help of professional measurement instrumentation that meets most severe requirements. This article describes a developed at JSCo NIIT measurement complex for control of digital TV programs transmission networks of DVB-T2 standard.
Network Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Metrological Control DVB-T2 To broadcast high quality digital TV programs it’s necessary to control digital TV signal DVB-T2 transmission with the help of professional measurement instrumentation that meets most severe requirements. This article describes a developed at JSCo NIIT measurement complex for control of digital TV programs transmission networks of DVB-T2 standard.
B.Metelev, A.Kocherov
Searching Tracks Damage: Cable Locator is Invented Again Communication lines fault location determination is a traditional issue that is solved by known devices but not all of them meet up-to-day requirements. A new light, multifunctional, agronomical, real-life device comes up to supplant them. What is its singularity about? Read about this in this article.
Searching Tracks Damage: Cable Locator is Invented Again Communication lines fault location determination is a traditional issue that is solved by known devices but not all of them meet up-to-day requirements. A new light, multifunctional, agronomical, real-life device comes up to supplant them. What is its singularity about? Read about this in this article.
Tags: communication line fault. contact and inductive search контактный и индукционный поиск повреждение линии связи
measuring ice thickness for Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia – Russian Ultra Wideband Technology In the previous journal issue was published an article devoted to American ultra wideband devices market but at that ultra wideband technology evolution in Russia remained beyond the article scope. So a no taught question arises: how far have Russian specialist progressed in this path? The answer to this question you can find in this article.
measuring ice thickness for Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia – Russian Ultra Wideband Technology In the previous journal issue was published an article devoted to American ultra wideband devices market but at that ultra wideband technology evolution in Russia remained beyond the article scope. So a no taught question arises: how far have Russian specialist progressed in this path? The answer to this question you can find in this article.
Tags: ice radar probing ultra wideband technology ultra wideband радиолокационное зондирование льда сшп-технология
Конференции, выставки, семинары
All-over-IP. An IP Equipment Market Players Meeting The annual exhibition of equipment and servers employing IP was held for the sixth time and already became a traditional one. This year there were presented closed circuit TV systems and video conference systems, information storage and security equipment, cloud servers and virtualization. This article considers just a minim
of novelties at the exhibition.
All-over-IP. An IP Equipment Market Players Meeting The annual exhibition of equipment and servers employing IP was held for the sixth time and already became a traditional one. This year there were presented closed circuit TV systems and video conference systems, information storage and security equipment, cloud servers and virtualization. This article considers just a minim
of novelties at the exhibition.
Voice-2013. VoIP Problems Consideration
Voice 2013 was held as a very representative forum that gathered state and private companies leaders. Traditional services migration to VoIP, market main trends and growth areas, its legislative regulation, protection of national interests are not nearly all the items that were in the forum’s interest.