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Cables and Passive Equipment
Company’s "OPTEN-CABLE" Internal Cables Demand for internal optical cables is steadily growing in proportion to development of optical communications technology. But optical cables domestic producers generally concentrate on products for trunk and distribution market segment and give to a great extent complete control over the internal segment to foreign manufacturers. Company’s "OPTEN-CABEL" products appeal are destined to change the current situation. Its internal cables correspond to all up-to-date requirements regarding to such products.
Company’s "OPTEN-CABLE" Internal Cables Demand for internal optical cables is steadily growing in proportion to development of optical communications technology. But optical cables domestic producers generally concentrate on products for trunk and distribution market segment and give to a great extent complete control over the internal segment to foreign manufacturers. Company’s "OPTEN-CABEL" products appeal are destined to change the current situation. Its internal cables correspond to all up-to-date requirements regarding to such products.
N.Ignatieva, K.Kostenko
Dätwyler Cables’ Products for building FTTx Networks Traditional analog TV change over to individual digital TV, mass demand for such services as IPTV, video-on-demand, online games, Voice-over-IP and so on means that cooper cable’ saturation point is exhaust. In the measurable future optical fiber will completely displace cooper cable at the "last mile" and this will be the last telecommunication’s infrastructure revolution.
Dätwyler Cables’ Products for building FTTx Networks Traditional analog TV change over to individual digital TV, mass demand for such services as IPTV, video-on-demand, online games, Voice-over-IP and so on means that cooper cable’ saturation point is exhaust. In the measurable future optical fiber will completely displace cooper cable at the "last mile" and this will be the last telecommunication’s infrastructure revolution.
Group of Companies “Natex” STM-64 (10G) Level Wavelength Division WDM Multiplexing Equipment A year ago we told about Group of Companies “Natex” equipment for WDM optical multiplexing systems. Retrospectively the equipment assortment has considerably grown. New solutions for transmission rates about 10Gbites/s have appeared, devices parametric lines where expended. This permits the customers to build new lines and update the existing ones to the STM-64 level.
Group of Companies “Natex” STM-64 (10G) Level Wavelength Division WDM Multiplexing Equipment A year ago we told about Group of Companies “Natex” equipment for WDM optical multiplexing systems. Retrospectively the equipment assortment has considerably grown. New solutions for transmission rates about 10Gbites/s have appeared, devices parametric lines where expended. This permits the customers to build new lines and update the existing ones to the STM-64 level.
N.Varava, M.Nikonorov, S.Pronin
Fiber Optics Active Components in Process Control Systems Fiber optics find more and more applications in new nontraditional production methods creation. Usually these applications require special active components. Here we discuss two product banks from Scientific and Research Firm “Optoelectronic Technologies” (Group company LLC “AIBI”) affiliated with Ioffe FTI. One solves the problem of physical quantity sensors random digital information signals transmission and detection. The other one activates and synchronizes under high interference large power communicating systems (accelerators, laser generators, electric motor drives) by fiber optical means.
Fiber Optics Active Components in Process Control Systems Fiber optics find more and more applications in new nontraditional production methods creation. Usually these applications require special active components. Here we discuss two product banks from Scientific and Research Firm “Optoelectronic Technologies” (Group company LLC “AIBI”) affiliated with Ioffe FTI. One solves the problem of physical quantity sensors random digital information signals transmission and detection. The other one activates and synchronizes under high interference large power communicating systems (accelerators, laser generators, electric motor drives) by fiber optical means.
Hybrid IP–ATS: Simplifying IP-Telephony Implementation AThe main obstructive for VoIP implementation in working offices is analog telephony existence, necessity to rearrange the local network or the whole telecommunication network. It’s also necessary to teach the personal and to buy a whole lot of equipment/ But now at the market is a class of equipment that is designated to overcome these difficulties. Its name is hybrid solutions. In this article representative of such type of systems are considered/ It’s a line of hybrid IP-ATS Yeastar MyPBX.
Hybrid IP–ATS: Simplifying IP-Telephony Implementation AThe main obstructive for VoIP implementation in working offices is analog telephony existence, necessity to rearrange the local network or the whole telecommunication network. It’s also necessary to teach the personal and to buy a whole lot of equipment/ But now at the market is a class of equipment that is designated to overcome these difficulties. Its name is hybrid solutions. In this article representative of such type of systems are considered/ It’s a line of hybrid IP-ATS Yeastar MyPBX.
Tags: ip-ats ip-telephony ip-атс ip-телефония voip
ADSL Lines Modem Testing ADS lines modem testing is a very simple and along with this an ample informative method for finding faults. Some aspects of applying this method are considered in this article.
ADSL Lines Modem Testing ADS lines modem testing is a very simple and along with this an ample informative method for finding faults. Some aspects of applying this method are considered in this article.
Tags: adsl wide band transmission systems (wbts) testing системы широкополосной передачи (сшп) тестирование
M.Grinshtyen, M.Zuzin
Measuring Devices for Complex Solution of PON Networks Testing Problems Exploding passive optical networks specifity dictates special requirements for test equipment, particularly for optical reflectometers and measurement results processing software. Companies “Institute of Information Technologies” (Minsk) and AGIZER (Vilnuis) study such problems. This article is dedicated to some new solutions of these companies.
Measuring Devices for Complex Solution of PON Networks Testing Problems Exploding passive optical networks specifity dictates special requirements for test equipment, particularly for optical reflectometers and measurement results processing software. Companies “Institute of Information Technologies” (Minsk) and AGIZER (Vilnuis) study such problems. This article is dedicated to some new solutions of these companies.
Tags: optical reflectometer otdr passive optical networks pon pon testing оптический рефлектометр пассивные оптические сети тестирование
Company DOK’s Millimeter Wave Band Linkups: Advanced Solutions, Unique Technologies At Russian telecommunication market ZAO “DOK” is well known as the first company that announced in 2003 a gigabit linkup for the Q-band (41,5–43,5GHz), then for the E-band (71–76 / 81–86GHz) and even for the W-band (92–95GHz). Now when the low frequency bands are allocated and when there are required quite different speeds that just can’t be allocated in more narrow bands, DOK’s linkups are just in great demand.
Company DOK’s Millimeter Wave Band Linkups: Advanced Solutions, Unique Technologies At Russian telecommunication market ZAO “DOK” is well known as the first company that announced in 2003 a gigabit linkup for the Q-band (41,5–43,5GHz), then for the E-band (71–76 / 81–86GHz) and even for the W-band (92–95GHz). Now when the low frequency bands are allocated and when there are required quite different speeds that just can’t be allocated in more narrow bands, DOK’s linkups are just in great demand.
S.Odoevskyi, V.Stepanetz
LTE Networks Planning: Software Solution ONEPLAN RPLS (ONEGA) LTE networks advantages (quality improvement of mobile subscribers service, extension of provided services and broadband wireless access operators revenues increase) can be lost without high quality automatic planning and networks optimization with the help of special software. One of such software tools is software solution ONEPLAN RPLS (ONEGA).
LTE Networks Planning: Software Solution ONEPLAN RPLS (ONEGA) LTE networks advantages (quality improvement of mobile subscribers service, extension of provided services and broadband wireless access operators revenues increase) can be lost without high quality automatic planning and networks optimization with the help of special software. One of such software tools is software solution ONEPLAN RPLS (ONEGA).
Sites Breakdowns. Their Source are dangerous electromagnetic effects. Part 6 The end of 90-s and beginning of 2000-s where the peak of operators losses due to overvoltage effects. Now some years there where no serious breakdowns and the number of damages steadily decreases. Does this mean that we can settle down or must we after all analyze lessons learned to understand what changed and to what new problems we must dispose ourselves.
Sites Breakdowns. Their Source are dangerous electromagnetic effects. Part 6 The end of 90-s and beginning of 2000-s where the peak of operators losses due to overvoltage effects. Now some years there where no serious breakdowns and the number of damages steadily decreases. Does this mean that we can settle down or must we after all analyze lessons learned to understand what changed and to what new problems we must dispose ourselves.
Tags: breakdowns electromagnetic effects overvoltage аварии перенапряжения электромагнитное воздействие
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