Executive Opinion
Wireless Communication
S.Shavrin, D.Shkodin
Prospects for development of voice communications in civil aviation communications in civil aviation
The main problems of the development of voice communication in civil aviation are considered and key areas are identified that allow increasing its range and improving quality. The main attention is paid to the difficulties encountered when receiving and retransmitting an analog speech signal in the context of limited frequency resource and the influence of feedback signals. Their solving is seen in the development of an echo cancellation device, which will provide amplification without self-excitation and echo, as well as decoupling of transmission directions.
Prospects for development of voice communications in civil aviation communications in civil aviation
The main problems of the development of voice communication in civil aviation are considered and key areas are identified that allow increasing its range and improving quality. The main attention is paid to the difficulties encountered when receiving and retransmitting an analog speech signal in the context of limited frequency resource and the influence of feedback signals. Their solving is seen in the development of an echo cancellation device, which will provide amplification without self-excitation and echo, as well as decoupling of transmission directions.
Tags: echo cancellation self-organizing aviation network vdl mode 2 vdl mode 3 vdl mode 4 самоорганизующаяся авиационная сеть эхокомпенсация
Satellite Telecommunication
SATCOMRUS 2018: on high ellips orbits The participants of the XXIII international conference of operators and users of the satellite communications network in the Russian Federation SATCOMRUS 2018: SMART SATELLITE – ideas and innovations, organized by Russian Satellite Communications Company, paid particular attention to promising projects to create non-geostationary satellite communications systems in high-elliptical, low and medium orbits.
SATCOMRUS 2018: on high ellips orbits The participants of the XXIII international conference of operators and users of the satellite communications network in the Russian Federation SATCOMRUS 2018: SMART SATELLITE – ideas and innovations, organized by Russian Satellite Communications Company, paid particular attention to promising projects to create non-geostationary satellite communications systems in high-elliptical, low and medium orbits.
Tags: express-rv project non-geostationary satellite communications systems orbital constellation of satellite communications and broadcasti satcomrus 2018 satellite communications негеостационарные системы спутниковой связи орбитальная группировка спутниковой связи и вещания проект "экспресс-рв" спутниковая связь
Cables and passive equipment
E.Kandzuba, A.Semenov
Extreme attenuation of a twisted pair with increased impedance The paper substantiates the possibility of increasing the range of communication systems based on Fast Ethernet network interfaces by increasing the impedance of twisted pair cord and line cables. Limit values of the impedance are determined. In order to preserve the operability of typical calculation methods using the previously developed method for estimating the main part of the Shannon capacity of the formed direct connection path, the actual values of the working attenuation coefficients were found and its dependence on the expected path length was given.
Extreme attenuation of a twisted pair with increased impedance The paper substantiates the possibility of increasing the range of communication systems based on Fast Ethernet network interfaces by increasing the impedance of twisted pair cord and line cables. Limit values of the impedance are determined. In order to preserve the operability of typical calculation methods using the previously developed method for estimating the main part of the Shannon capacity of the formed direct connection path, the actual values of the working attenuation coefficients were found and its dependence on the expected path length was given.
Tags: direct connection channel fast ethernet high-impedance twisted pair lan cables lan-кабели витая пара с повышенным волновым сопротивлением тракт direct connection
A.Dorozhkin, O.Nanii, V.Treshchikov, I.Shikhaliyev
Low bendingloss fiber – a new life for C+L communication systems The article outlines prospects of expanding the spectral range used to transmit information in fiber optical communication lines to increase bandwidth. Along with the C-band, which is widely used in modern communication systems, from a technical point of view, the L-band is fully ready for practical use, but its use leads to bending losses. In Russia, active equipment and amplifiers for the C and L bands are produced, in addition, Russian cable plants have started to manufacture optical cables with low bending losses. Therefore, the practical use of C+L communication systems could become a reality in the very near future.
Low bendingloss fiber – a new life for C+L communication systems The article outlines prospects of expanding the spectral range used to transmit information in fiber optical communication lines to increase bandwidth. Along with the C-band, which is widely used in modern communication systems, from a technical point of view, the L-band is fully ready for practical use, but its use leads to bending losses. In Russia, active equipment and amplifiers for the C and L bands are produced, in addition, Russian cable plants have started to manufacture optical cables with low bending losses. Therefore, the practical use of C+L communication systems could become a reality in the very near future.
Tags: bandwidth c-band dwdm fol l-band l-диапазон smf-28 ultra волс пропускная способность с-диапазон
Конференции, выставки, семинары
S.Popov, L.Nabokikh
BBWF-2018: fixed access is heading for SDN The slightly futuristic theme of SEBA (SDN Enabled Broadband Access) has become one of the hottest at the largest European and global event of the fixed broadband access industry community – the 18th Broadband World Forum (BBWF). For the second year in a row, the forum and exhibition of equipment for access networks took place on October 23–25 at the Messe Berlin site in the German capital and gathered more than 4,100 professionals from 95 countries of the world – from Russia to Australia and New Zealand.
BBWF-2018: fixed access is heading for SDN The slightly futuristic theme of SEBA (SDN Enabled Broadband Access) has become one of the hottest at the largest European and global event of the fixed broadband access industry community – the 18th Broadband World Forum (BBWF). For the second year in a row, the forum and exhibition of equipment for access networks took place on October 23–25 at the Messe Berlin site in the German capital and gathered more than 4,100 professionals from 95 countries of the world – from Russia to Australia and New Zealand.
Telecommunication Business
A.Golyshko, V.Shub
Midnight, XXI century. Part 2. Synthesis of the future Smart living environment in the form of a smart city/building/dwelling is a necessary condition for the continued existence of civilized states and societies. To implement this concept, it is necessary to create a convergent housing, transport, energy and communication infrastructure, in which the "right of passage" along transport and energy routes are also used to build the telecommunications infrastructure in full.
Midnight, XXI century. Part 2. Synthesis of the future Smart living environment in the form of a smart city/building/dwelling is a necessary condition for the continued existence of civilized states and societies. To implement this concept, it is necessary to create a convergent housing, transport, energy and communication infrastructure, in which the "right of passage" along transport and energy routes are also used to build the telecommunications infrastructure in full.
Tags: 5g artificial intelligence enhanced intelligence intelligent infrastructure smart city интеллектуальная инфраструктура искусственный интеллект умный город усиление интеллекта
VAS in Dombay The unique corner of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the high-mountain resort village of Dombai, has become the venue for the annual meeting of local telecom operators in the south of Russia – partners of the Caucasian Branch of MegaFon PJSC.
VAS in Dombay The unique corner of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the high-mountain resort village of Dombai, has become the venue for the annual meeting of local telecom operators in the south of Russia – partners of the Caucasian Branch of MegaFon PJSC.
Tags: local telecom operators megafon multifon business production of optical fiber in russia "мегафон" "мультифон бизнес" vas-services of megafon vas-услуги "мегафона" локальные операторы связи производство оптического волокна в россии
Wired Communication
V.Vardanyan, V.Shuvalov
Transmission quality in access networks of single-band optical channel signals with different modulation formats The paper considers the transmission over the optical path of the access network of a single-band optical signal consisting of a multitude of channel signal subcarriers. Formulas for estimating the effect of chromatic dispersion of optical fiber and interference noise between subcarriers on subcarriers with different modulation formats are proposed.The value of the signal
quality indicator, calculated using the proposed formulas, differs from that obtained by computer simulation by no more than 1 dB, and the time
saving in the calculations is significant.
Transmission quality in access networks of single-band optical channel signals with different modulation formats The paper considers the transmission over the optical path of the access network of a single-band optical signal consisting of a multitude of channel signal subcarriers. Formulas for estimating the effect of chromatic dispersion of optical fiber and interference noise between subcarriers on subcarriers with different modulation formats are proposed.The value of the signal
quality indicator, calculated using the proposed formulas, differs from that obtained by computer simulation by no more than 1 dB, and the time
saving in the calculations is significant.
Tags: ask bpsk fiber optic transmission systems m-qam ofdm q-factor qpsk q-фактор single-band optical modulation subcarrier multiplexing волоконно-оптические системы передачи оптическая однополосная модуляция уплотнение поднесущих
Equipment for radio and television broadcasting
Digital TV Russia & CIS: attention to switching to digital The 9th International Conference Digital TV Russia & CIS: digital broadcasting, non-linear content, blockchain, Ultra HD HDR was held in Moscow on October 18. Traditionally, the organizer of the event, which brought together more than 150 leading industry experts, was ComNews Conferences.
Digital TV Russia & CIS: attention to switching to digital The 9th International Conference Digital TV Russia & CIS: digital broadcasting, non-linear content, blockchain, Ultra HD HDR was held in Moscow on October 18. Traditionally, the organizer of the event, which brought together more than 150 leading industry experts, was ComNews Conferences.
Tags: analog tv broadcast off digital dividend digital tv broadcast dvb-t2 отключение аналогового телевещания цифровое телевещание цифровой дивиденд
E.Ryapolova, M.Studyannykova, B.Popov
Model of functioning of cloud computing system based on dynamic characteristics Based on the analysis of scientific publications in the field of the theory of dynamic links and cloud computing, a mathematical model of the functioning of a cloud computing system consisting of six interconnected subsystems is proposed. The developed model will allow the optimal choice of protection tools for cloud computing system.
Model of functioning of cloud computing system based on dynamic characteristics Based on the analysis of scientific publications in the field of the theory of dynamic links and cloud computing, a mathematical model of the functioning of a cloud computing system consisting of six interconnected subsystems is proposed. The developed model will allow the optimal choice of protection tools for cloud computing system.
Tags: cloud computing system functioning model cloud computing system protection stable cloud computing system functioning theory of dynamic links защита системы облачных вычислений модель функционирования системы облачных вычислений теория динамических звеньев устойчивое функционирование системы облачных вычислений