DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The XV International Conference "TransNet: backbone communication networks", organised by ComNews Information Group, was held in Moscow on April 10–11. The programme included a special session "TEA NEXT – a new standard for backbone FOCL in the Russian Federation".
Tags: backbone communication networks communication in the arctic dwdm systems international telecom traffic tea next магистральные сети связи международный телеком-трафик связь в арктике системы dwdm
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The XV International Conference "TransNet: backbone communication networks", organised by ComNews Information Group, was held in Moscow on April 10–11. The programme included a special session "TEA NEXT – a new standard for backbone FOCL in the Russian Federation".
Tags: backbone communication networks communication in the arctic dwdm systems international telecom traffic tea next магистральные сети связи международный телеком-трафик связь в арктике системы dwdm
Subscribe to the journal Last Mile to read the full article.
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